



Postgraduate Research

We offer 2 programmes within the department, a 3-year and 4-year programme. Our programmes are funded from many sources including the Research Councils (EPSRC, BBRSC, NERC and MRC), Charities, the European Community, US Government sources and industry in the UK, Europe and the USA.


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PhD ChemistryÌý

PhD Chemistry

TheÌýChemistry PhD programmeÌýis focused on a major piece of original research. You will study under the direct supervision of a member of staff, who is an expert in his or her area of specialisation.ÌýThe department offers a broad range of research themes across physical, organic, inorganic and computational chemistry, specific departmental strengths are listed under research areas below.

Read more on theÌýChemistry PhD programmeÌý


We offer an excellent education with high standards of teaching in an exciting but friendly environment. We foster a community feel to the department and you will mix throughout your time here with staff, undergraduate students and researchers.

°×С½ãÂÛ̳ Scholarships:Ìýfind the currently available Studentships with theÌýScholarships and funding tool.

Questions & Answers: There's a lot you should ask and a lot for us to tell you in our FAQ section.

Departmental Graduate Tutor
Professor Vijay Chudasama

For all PGR enquiries contact: