

°×С½ãÂÛ̳ Doctorate In Clinical Psychology


Appendix 8 - Health and Safety in the Research Department

Accident reporting

In the event of an accident, incident or near miss you should obtain an accident report form from the General Office.ÌýÌýComplete and return to the office who will return this to the Departmental Safety Officer (DSO).ÌýÌýAll accidents must be reported, no matter how minor.

Accident investigation

In the event of a serious accident as little as possible should be handled or moved and the accident must be reported at once to the Head of Department/DSO, who will notify the College Safety Office and arrange for a full investigation to be carried out.

The Joint Course Directors, in consultation with the DSO, will investigate all reported accidents, institute any follow-up action required and ensure that appropriate action is taken to prevent similar accidents in the future.

In the event of a serious accident/incident as little as possible should be handled or moved, any equipment or product (including disposable items) involved in an accident or incident must be retained and where possible left in situ, pending investigation.

After-hours and Lone Working

Out of hours working is defined as beforeÌý9.00 amÌýand afterÌý7.00pm weekdays, anytime at the weekend and College closures.ÌýÌýIn the event of members of the Department needing to work out of hours, it is essential for them to inform the Head of Department of their intention, and Security of their presence and departure.

Co-operation with other Organisations

Staff and students working in other organisations are required to comply with the host organisation's arrangements for safe working.ÌýÌýThe Department holds a record of names of all contacts in other Organisations.ÌýSupervisors are responsible for ensuring there are safe working procedures in place for any of their staff or students who are required to undertake work in environments controlled by other organisations.

Faulty Equipment

All staffÌýareÌýrequired to take immediate action concerning all confirmed or suspected safety- related defects and report their findings to the General Office.

The equipment must be to be taken out of use until repaired or replaced.

Repairs will be dealt with by an approved contractor or the manufacturer.

Emergency Situations

In the event of a serious accident requiring an ambulance, violence/threat of violence, discovering a fire, phone in the first instance extension 41897/or out of hours emergency extension 222.

In the event of electrical mains failure or smell of mains gas phone ext 41897, out of hours ext 222.

Emergency instruction sheets are displayed in each teaching room and on appropriate notice boards.

Fire Safety

All staff and students should familiarise themselves with exit routes and assembly areas to be used in the event of fire.ÌýÌýInformation sheets are displayed as above.ÌýÌýIn the event of fire, phone ext. 45950/41896.Ìý

Fire doors must not be wedged open, and corridors should be kept clear and not used for storage of excess furniture or equipment.

Fire Officers are:

Leah Markwick - room 436

Priya Dey - room 436

Adam Gudalajtys - room 358

Daniela Tanner - room 543b

First Aid

After hours approach UCH Accident & Emergency Department.ÌýÌýIn the event of a serious accident call an ambulance via 222, stating name, location and contact no.

First Aid boxes are located in the following places: on top shelf, in the General Office, Room 436.

First Aiders:

Kate Sherratt - room 439

Sunjeev Kamboj - room 422


The initial responsibility for the maintenance of housekeeping or tidiness in any office, both of themselves and of others, lies with its occupants.ÌýÌýAll members of the Department should exercise their common sense in terms of avoiding obvious health and safety hazards, e.g.Ìýtrailing wires, unstable filing cabinets, large accumulations of rubbish, computer boxes or waste from eating and drinking.

Pregnant Workers

Pregnant Workers are defined as those who are: pregnant; have given birth within the previous six months after at least 24 weeks pregnancy (whether the baby survived or not); orÌýareÌýbreast feeding.ÌýÌýPregnant Workers are entitled to a Risk Assessment of their work activities, a form will be sent by the Personnel Division whenever the worker informs them in writing that she is pregnant.ÌýÌýInformation on safe working during pregnancy is available from the Occupational Health Service ext. 32802.ÌýÌýAn information leaflet outlining the procedure is available from the DSO/dept notice board or in confidence from the Safety Office ext. 46363.

Smoking, Eating and Drinking

No smoking is allowed in any part of the building. Eating and drinking are only permitted in personal offices and common rooms and must never take place in the laboratory or any other area where chemicals are used, including offices which are part of laboratory areas.

In addition smoking, eating, drinking, or application of cosmetics are prohibited in all laboratory areas.

Use of laboratory equipment for the storage, refrigeration, freezing, heating, cooking or processingÌýofÌýfood for human consumption is strictly forbidden.

Storage Arrangements

Corridors and means of escape must not be used for storage.

Where possible heavy or bulky items should be stored at waist height.

Unattended and Overnight Experiments

Unattended and Overnight Experiments must only be conducted with the permission of the Head of Department and must be fully assessed for risks arising from their being unattended.


Report any incident immediately to Security on ext. 41262 stating name, location and circumstance.

Inform DSO/HoD of incident and fill in an accident/incident form.

Waste Disposal

All waste will be disposed of in accordance with College Policy using colour coded bags or other designated containers, e.g. 'sharps' containers.

Domestic and Office waste - black plastic sacks.

RecyclingÌý-ÌýÌýthereÌýare designated recycling bins in the common room and in the corridor outside room 452 (photopier room).

Broken glass - put in a cardboard box, seal securely and label, thereafter as domestic waste (as appropriate).

Waste boxes, bulky rubbish, electrical equipment, fridges/freezers, should only be disposed of after direct agreement with the General Office. These items must not be stored/left in corridors pending collection.

Chemical - by arrangement with Hazardous Waste Service (x 46950)

The different types of waste must be segregated at all times.ÌýÌýBags must be sealed (knotted or taped, not stapled) at the point of origin and labelled with the name of the Unit concerned.