

Culture Online


Nazia Mehrban

NB: This expert has changed roles and is not available to answer questions any more.


Senior Research Fellow

Ear Institute, °×С½ãÂÛ̳Ìý

Expertise: Regenerative Medicine; Tissue Engineering; Biomaterials; Peptide Chemistry; Hydrogels

The area of research I work on is called regenerative medicine. I specialise in materials that can be mixed with a person’s cells to make them new skin or new bone or new muscles!

image of Nazia Mehrban. She is wearing a purple t-shirt and smiling at the camera.

More about Nazia:

I am a scientist working on medical research. I design materials that help fix patients and are put into the body by surgeons. At the moment I’m making robot muscles that will help people move again!

Questions answered by Nazia:
