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In this Issue:

Time for a Coffee Break?

aeropressThe latest edition of Coffee Corner by our in-house coffee expert Dr Phil Stringer is here! Click here for Phil's review on the London Coffee Festival 2018.

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Spring/Summer 2018

Welcome to the sixteenth edition of the Educational Psychology newsletter

New Faces within the Group

In January 2018 we were joined by our twentieth cohort of CPD Doctorate course members. A warm and very belated welcome to Liz Charles, Julia Clements, Liz Cooper, Anna Cox, Kate Farmer, Sarah Geiger, Jane Hogg, Marie Hornley, Rebecca Jerome, Helen Mabey, Jacqueline Murray and Natalia Wigley.


Personal News

As always, we have some exciting personal news from the group!


Firstly, congratulations to DECPsy 2016-19 course member Dave Damon and Chelsea on the birth of their daughter Auriana earlier this year. See right for a photo of Auriana - congratulations Dave & Chelsea!


Congratulations also go to DECPsy tutor Dr Tim Jones and his wife Kay on the birth of their son Aidan, who arrived on the 19th May 2018 weighing 7lbs 3oz. See left for a photo of Tim with baby Aidan, and click here for more!

Some exciting news from DEdPsy tutor Dr Roger Booker next, who fulfilled a lifetime ambition earlier this year! See below from Roger:

Roger "Manchester University in the 1960s was where I first seriously encountered psychology as a discipline. It was a time of rebellion on both sides of the Atlantic and one of the key manifestations of that was the music of John Coltrane; a seminal live recording of him playing at the Village Vanguard in New York accompanied me throughout those degree years and it became a life ambition to go to the club where he and many others have played. Although I have been to New York three times since, it was only at this New Year that I finally made it and by huge good fortune saw the greatest of today's jazz pianists, Brad Mehldau, in the Vanguard's intimate and totally unpretentious setting. This was today's equivalent to hearing John Coltrane playing there 50 years ago!

Why place this in the Newsletter you may ask? Maybe as an old stager's accompaniment to the inspiring "starting a family" achievements that the Newsletter broadcasts and to let people know that peak experiences are always on the horizon! Watch Brad Mehldau playing here, not in the Vanguard alas, but in Toronto: or here in Burghausen: ."

Publications and Research

Congratulations to our DEdPsy and DECPsy trainees/graduates and staff on the following recent publications:

Dr Ben Hayes - Hayes, B., Heather, A., Jones, D. & Clarke, C. (2018). Overcoming barriers to using precision teaching with a web-based programme. Educational Psychology in Practice. Available to view here.

Dr Gavin Morgan and Dr Pamela Hamilton (DECPsy graduate, 13-16 cohort) - Hamilton, P. & Morgan, G. (2018). An exploration of the factors that lead to the successful progression of students in alternative provision. Educational & Child Psychology, 35, 1: Closing the attainment gap - What gap?, p5-19.

DEdPsy 2015 course member Dr Claire Darwin has co-authored a book with Inclusive Solutions. The book is titled 'Person Centred Planning Together', and is available for purchase .

Conferences and Events

The Annual BPS TEP and DECP conference took place on the 11th-12th January 2018 in Brighton. Course tutor Dr Gavin Morgan co-ordinated the conference for the BPS. The title this year was 'Education and Well-Being - The Well-Being of Education?'. During the conference Dr Susan Birch and Dr Phil Stringer convened a symposium entitled 'Flying above the radar: how educational psychologists can promote mental health and well-being in schools', which included contributions from DEdPsy graduates Dr Antonia Cobbald (DEdPsy 2012), Dr Eileen Devitt (DEdPsy 2012), Dr Orlaith Griffin (DEdPsy 2012) and Dr Kirsty Quinn (DEdPsy 2010). .

The trainee conference was held in Brighton on 10th January 2018 with over 200 trainees from across the country in attendance, including virtually all of our Year 1s and many from other years, with recent graduates attending as well. Dr Juliet Callaghan (DECPsy graduate, 2014-17 cohort) presented her research 'I can't do maths, yet! A treatment versus waitlist comparison of the effectiveness of maths teachers' use of process praise on pupils' theories of intelligence and effort grades in Year 4, 5, and 6' at the trainee conference. Trudy Kearney (2015-18 cohort) presented her research titled 'Perfectionism: The relationship with anxiety and depression, and how pupil views can inform intervention'. Feedback from some of our trainees was that they found the day very informative and helpful, as they too begin their own research journey! Slides from the day can be found .

Also as of January 2018, Dr Gavin Morgan will be chair-elect of the DECP, and chair of the BPS DECP committee in 2019.

CPD Leading Edge Psychology Day - 27th March 2018 - 'Children and young people in the digital age: what do EPs need to know?'

Leading Edge

This year's Leading Edge Day focused on the topic 'Children and young people in the digital age: what do EPs need to know?' The Children's Commissioner report 'Growing Up Digital' (January 2017) and the EU Kids Online Final Report (Livingstone et al., 2011) highlight what are now familiar statistics relating to increases in children and young people's use of the internet and social media. Alongside these statistics sit headlines in the media which highlight society's concerns about children and young people becoming addicted to online life, being bullied, exposed to violence, pornography and user-generated content, as well as the risks of being groomed or contacted by adults masquerading as a 'new friend'. While schools are now promoting safer internet use and supporting children to think about their digital profiles, are we going far enough in educating children to be able to make the best and safest use of the digital resources available to them? What role should parents play? How do our values relating to supporting children's rights sit alongside the need to keep them safe? Are our assessments of the risks realistic, or has access to international media fuelled anxieties about children and young people's safety? Could concepts such as digital resilience and digital citizenship be useful in making a difference for children and young people? While as EPs we may have a broad range of psychological theories to bring to this area, how confident are we in giving advice to children, young people, their families and school staff on this most topical issue? This well attended day brought together leading researchers in the field who are actively examining the implications of the digital age for children and young people.

Keynote speakers included Professor Sonia Livingstone (Professor of Social Psychology in the Dept. of Media and Communications at LSE), Dr Tom Harrison (Senior Lecturer & Programme Director for the MA in Character Education at the University of Birmingham), Dr Becky Inkster (Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge), Elizabeth Charles (Senior EP at NEPS) and Teresa Thornton (EP at NEPS).

More information on the day and about future Leading Edge Day conferences is available on our .

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