

IPAC Documentation

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IPAC system: overview

What makes the IPAC system?

The IPAC system has 2 main parts, the IPAC LTI and the IPAC software. The system also provides several templates that can be used directly or modified.

The IPAC LTI is used to connect with the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) used at your institution. It can be included onto the VLE as a normal activity, and both tutors and students can only access it after logging in the VLE with their institutional credentials.

When accessing this IPAC LTI activity, the tutors see the setting up area where questionnaires and students’ groups are defined, a range of settings parameters like deadlines and what should be visible to the students, as well as students’ answers. The students see the questionnaire that they need to fill up, their own answers to the questionnaire once it has been completed, and the score and feedback received.

The IPAC software is for tutor use only. It is easily installable on PC computer/laptop and it works on a range of operating systems. It allows tutors to process the raw data (the raw scores and comments given by each student) onto a comprehensive structure and calculates the IPAC scores and the feedback that each student will receive according to the preferences (customised settings) chosen by the tutor. It provides also a file that can be uploaded onto the IPAC LTI with the results.

What is the process of running the IPAC system?

See the full process in the video, or the step-by-step explanation below.

The IPAC system runs following various stages, listed here in high level in “chronological” order:

  1. VLE: Tutor adds the IPAC LTI onto their course.
  2. IPAC LTI: Tutor defines the questionnaire and marking criteria given to students to complete, and the deadline for completion.
  3. IPAC LTI: Tutor defines the students’ groups, either manually or syncing directly with the groups defined in the VLE.
  4. IPAC LTI: Tutor releases the questionnaire.
  5. IPAC LTI: Students complete the questionnaire.
  6. IPAC LTI: (optional) Tutor can see how many students have completed the questionnaire, look at particular answers, etc.
  7. IPAC LTI: Tutor downloads the raw data (scores and comments given by each student to their peers). This downloads on a click of a button onto a single file.
  8. IPAC software: The tutor establishes in the settings page what method they want to use to calculate the IPAC score and what feedback they want to provide to the students. Then the tutor uploads the raw data file onto the software and processes it. [The software generates, among others, a file to be uploaded onto the IPAC LTI].
  9. IPAC LTI: The tutor uploads the results (file generated by the IPAC software) onto the VLE, hence populating the IPAC scores and feedback fields for each student.
  10. IPAC LTI: The tutor releases the results to the students on the IPAC LTI and also, if desirable, onto the VLE Gradebook.

Key features of the С̳ IPAC system

The С̳ IPAC system has various key features which were defined as necessary based on the experience and discussions with the IPAC Consortium core team: