
Next Generation Tools

Next generation tools for linguistic research in grammatical treebanks

Download Software

ICECUP IV is released here as a beta package.

  • If you have already bought ICE-GB Release 2 or DCPSE, click here to download the new software upgrade.
  • If you haven't yet purchased ICE-GB or DCPSE, and are wondering what all the fuss is about, you can download two 20,000-word sample corpora free of charge. These samplers include ICECUP IV and an installation program.
  • We recommend you also download the PDF guide, Getting Started with ICECUP IV.

You can also play sound recordings by downloading and installing the audio add-on package (100MB).

Our beta programme continues following the end of the Next Generations Tools Project. We invite linguists to contribute to the development of cutting-edge corpus linguistics tools by participating in this beta programme. Click here to register by email.

Downloads:  ICE-GB R2  Sound
 DCPSE  ICECUP IV β patch  Getting Started


ICE-GB R2 Sample corpus

A 'ready-to-run' package containing ten texts from ICE-GB, software, indexes and ICECUP 3.1 help files.

More information

By downloading the sampler you are agreeing to our standard terms and conditions (in summary: don't breach our copyright or those of our contributors).

Date of release zip exe expanded
10 June 2008 3.43MB 3.50MB ~10MB

How to install

Use the stand-alone executable ('exe') version if you have problems with 'zip' files. Windows ME, XP etc have zip support built into Windows.

  • When downloading, click Open. The executable will create a set of files in a temporary directory.
  • Run the Install program in the temporary directory. This will install all necessary files in two directories, one for the corpus and one for the software. You may change these from the default settings. Note that by default it creates a directory called c:\ICE and places the corpus in a subdirectory of ICE.
  • The install process creates entries in the Start Menu in a subfolder called 'ICE Corpora'.
  • When the install process finishes ICECUP will start.
  • NB. If you have problems installing, try pressing Start! instead. This will run ICECUP from the current location. Full instructions on installing the program are given in the supplied Help file in the package.

With the compressed zip file version you can either expand into a temporary directory as above, or, with many modern zip programs, simply install directly.

How to uninstall
To remove the software, delete the two directories you installed the software into, and remove entries from the ICE Corpora subfolder. You do not need to do anything else.

Sample Sound

Add sound to the ICE-GB sampler by downloading and installing these files. This package contains the sound for the 5 spoken texts of the ICE-GB sampler plus alignment files.

Note that these files are very large and downloading may take some time!

Date of release zip exe expanded
2 August 2006 94.04MB 94.11MB ~100MB

How to install

First, download the ICE-GB R2 sample corpus and extract the files to a temporary directory.

Then download the Sample Sound files and extract them to the same temporary directory. Files will be placed within the "ice-gb-s" subdirectory. Say yes if asked whether you should overwrite files.

Then run "install.exe" to install the software as above. The installer detects the audio files and installs them.


DCPSE Sample corpus

A 'ready-to-run' package containing ten texts from DCPSE, software, indexes and ICECUP 3.1 help files.

By downloading the sampler you are agreeing to our standard terms and conditions (in summary: don't breach our copyright or those of our contributors).

Date of release zip exe expanded
10 June 2008 3.45MB 3.52MB ~10MB

How to install

Use the stand-alone executable ('exe') version if you have problems with 'zip' files. Windows ME, XP etc have zip support built into Windows.

  • When downloading, click Open. The executable will create a set of files in a temporary directory.
  • Run the Install program in the temporary directory. This will install all necessary files in two directories, one for the corpus and one for the software. You may change these from the default settings. Note that by default it creates a directory called c:\ICE and places the corpus in a subdirectory of ICE.
  • The install process creates entries in the Start Menu in a subfolder called 'ICE Corpora'.
  • When the install process finishes ICECUP will start.
  • NB. If you have problems installing, try pressing Start! instead. This will run ICECUP from the current location. Full instructions on installing the program are given in the supplied Help file in the package.

With the compressed zip file version you can either expand into a temporary directory as above, or, with many modern zip programs, simply install directly.

How to uninstall
To remove the software, delete the two directories you installed the software into, and remove entries from the ICE Corpora subfolder. You do not need to do anything else.

ICECUP IV β patch

You can now download the beta of ICECUP IV by downloading and installing these files. This beta release is the result of the next generation tools research. A full release of ICECUP IV is planned for this summer.

Date of release zip exe expanded
10 June 2008 605KB 673KB 1.7MB

How to install
Follow the instructions (above) to install the sample corpus. Then install ICECUP IV. You can set up a program short-cut or menu item yourself.

The package contains two main files - the ICECUP4 program and the button definition file in the 'icedata' subdirectory. It also contains a series of example project files, following the Getting Started guide, in a 'projects' subdirectory.

Install ICECUP IV in the same location as ICECUP 3.1. ICECUP IV is compatible with DCPSE and ICE-GB R2.

Beta release notes
Getting Started with ICECUP IV
New version 4.01
June 2008

Getting Started guide to ICECUP IV and companion to the ICECUP IV β. Includes notes about the current release.

This is a printable file which is also included in the integrated on-line help.

To read and print this file you will need a copy of the which you can download from the Adobe website.

To participate in the beta reviewing programme, please click here. You will be notified as new versions are posted on the website.

To send bug reports, comments etc, please click here.

This page last modified 14 May, 2020 by Survey Web Administrator.