

Please print this page, complete the Order Form, and send it by mail, together with your payment, to the address below. We cannot accept faxed copies.

For commercial enquiries contact Christine Bowles (ucleseu@ucl.ac.uk).
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Order Form: printer-compatible version


In the following, “the Software” refers to the "Internet Grammar of English", whole or part. The Licensee is the purchaser of the Software, and agrees to abide by this licence agreement. By placing the CD in the CD-ROM drive of their computer, the Licensee is agreeing to the terms of this licence. “The User” refers to every individual granted access to the Software by the terms of the particular licence purchased.

General terms and conditions

The Software must be used for non-profit educational purposes only. The licence cannot be transferred, lent, or re-sold.

The Software may be fully installed onto the User's computer, by copying the relevant files from the CD supplied onto the computer's hard disk, providing that this does not infringe copyright and the terms of the licence. The User is not entitled to make copies of the Software on other computers in breach of the licence, nor to allow unlicenced users to have access to the Software on the User's computer. The Software is supplied "as-is" with no express guarantee as to its suitability.

Your attention is drawn to the fact that the product is under copyright.

Licencing terms

There are four types of licence, as outlined below.

Student Licence
The licensee in the following definition is an individual full-time student. The Licensee is allowed to make one copy of the Software on one computer. The licence entitles the Licensee to make personal use of the Software. Proof of full-time student status must be supplied. The general terms and conditions apply.

Individual Licence
The licensee in the following definition is an individual user. The Licensee is allowed to make one copy of the Software on one computer. The licence entitles the Licensee to make personal use of the Software. The general terms and conditions apply.

Institutional (single-copy) Licence
The Licensee in the following definition is an educational institution, college, or department within a college. The Licensee is allowed to make one copy of the Software on one computer within the institution. The licence entitles all members of the institution to make use of the Software on that computer. Note that this licence does not entitle the Licensee to make the Software available over a network to other users within the institution. The general terms and conditions apply.

Institutional (multiple-copy) Network Llicence
The Licensee in the following definition is an educational institution, college, or department within a college. (Commercial organisations are requested to contact the Survey of English Usage before ordering.) The Licensee is allowed to make any number of copies of the Software on computers within the institution. The licence entitles all staff and students of the institution to make use of the Software on these computers. The Licensee can also install the Software on a network, providing that it cannot be accessed from outside the institution. The licence does not entitle the Licensee to include the Software in a public-access internet site. The general terms and conditions apply.

PRICES for the Internet Grammar of English on CD-ROM in Pounds Sterling (GBP)

Credit Card
Student licence
    European Union, including UK (incl. 20% VAT) £34.80 £35.84
    Outside EU £29.00 £29.87
Individual licence
    European Union, including UK (incl. 20% VAT) £70.80 £72.92
    Outside EU £59.00 £60.77
Institutional (single copy) licence
    UK (includes 20% VAT) £118.80 £122.36
    Outside UK (VAT number required in EU) £99.00 £101.97
Institutional (multiple copy) licence
    UK (includes 20% VAT) £178.80 £184.16
    Outside UK (VAT number required in EU) £149.00 £153.47


  • All prices include postage and packing.
  • All prices are for orders from non-profit organisations. Other prices on request.
  • Proof of full-time student status must be supplied, ie a note from your Head of Department, on headed paper, with official school/college stamp.
  • We have adjusted our prices to account for the increase in UK VAT on 1 January 2011 from 17.5% to 20%.

ORDER FORM for the Internet Grammar of English

Printer-compatible version
Click to open and print order form (3 pages)

Any queries regarding your order should be addressed to Christine Bowles (ucleseu@ucl.ac.uk).

This page last modified 14 May, 2020 by Survey Web Administrator.