



GEM Vulnerability Databases

EPICentre is actively involved in the Global Earthquake Model research activities since its foundation. At this page two major outreach of the activities are accessible.

Compendium of Analytical Fragility & Vulnerability functions

The , compiled by Prof Dina D'Ayala and Dr Abdelghani Meslem, is available in excel format (download and extract the rar file). 
for analytical vulnerability assessment are offered for use within the framework of the Global Earthquake Model (GEM). Emphasis is on low/mid-rise buildings and cases where the analyst has the skills and time to perform non-linear analyses.

Compendium of Empirical Fragility & Vulnerability functions

The , compiled by Prof Tiziana Rossetto and Dr Ioanna Ioannou, is available in Microsoft Access format. The GEM report reviews existing empirical vulnerability and fragility functions worldwide in terms of their characteristics, data sources and statistical modelling techniques.
for empirical vulnerability assessment provide state-of-the-art guidance on the construction of vulnerability relationships from post-earthquake survey data.