

°×С½ãÂÛ̳ Human Resources


Cycling Stories

Our colleagues share their cycling stories and tips for new cyclists

Max Hill, Workplace Health

Max cycling

How did you get into cycling?

Mostly because it was quicker, more flexible and cheaper than using public transport

How long have you been cycling for? 

Since childhood but I’ve cycled in London since I started my nurse training (1993)

What are you using mostly using your bike for?

Mostly for commuting, sometimes for leisure, but most of my friends don’t cycle! 

Have you used any of °×С½ãÂÛ̳ cycling support?

I’ve bought a few bikes via the Cycle to Work scheme, it’s a fantastic way to get a very healthy discount on a new bike.

What do you enjoy most about cycling?

Time to think, and it’s exercise without having to think about 

What are your top tips for new cyclists?

Don’t be intimidated by other road users, don’t go too fast, look out for pedestrians who haven’t looked and can’t hear you, and never wait at lights next to a lorry.

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Shabina Sultana, Workplace Health

Shabina cycling

How did you get into cycling? 

My main reason for getting in to cycling was to improve my health and wellbeing. I wanted to do something that would allow me to enjoy the outdoors and cycling lets me do that perfectly. I am also a trained ride leader. I lead women only cycle rides to encourage and empower women, with a focus on BAME women, to take up cycling. 

How long have you been cycling for? 

I bought my first bike and have been cycling for just over a year. However, I had been taking cycling lessons on and off for about two years before that. 

What are you mostly using your bike for?

At the moment, I am mainly using it for leisure but have plans to occasionally commute in to work.

Have you used any of °×С½ãÂÛ̳ cycling support?

Not yet but the cycle buddy scheme looks like an excellent scheme. 

What do you enjoy most about cycling? 

Cycling has allowed me to explore and discover parts of London by bike which I never knew existed. The benefit of cycling is you can go off the beaten track, go further and reach places far quicker than, say, walking. I’ve also met some incredible people through club rides and always look forward to the coffee stop. It really has opened up a whole new world!

What are your top tips for new cyclists?

  • Do try out some proper cycle training with a qualified cycle trainer. This really empowered me to be confident and stay safe on the roads. 
  • Act like a car! Understand when to take primary and when to take secondary positions on the road to stay safe. 
  • Understand your rights as a cyclist and rules of the road. This will help you to avoid picking up other cyclists bad habits.

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Stuart McLellan, HR

Stuart cycling

How did you get into cycling? 

It was really a way of avoiding the tedium of the commute. Getting around London on bike is fun, cheap and pretty reliable- It’s so much more enjoyable than using the tube. It also allows you to build a bit of exercise into your day too. 

How long have you been cycling for? 

Before the campus closed down, I had been cycling to work every day, probably for just over a year. I cycled previously too, when I worked in London… for a couple of years I think. 

What are you mostly using your bike for? 

I mostly use my bike for getting about. Although I use it regularly and cover quite a few miles, I would still say I’m a casual cyclist; I have a relatively old, cheap bike (bought second hand more than 10 years ago) and I don’t dress up in lycra or anything. 

Have you used any of °×С½ãÂÛ̳ cycling support? 

I use the bike storage and changing facilities at Bidborough House, without which it would be much less convenient to travel in by bike.

What do you enjoy most about cycling? 

Just getting outside and being engaged with your environment. Instead of head down on my phone trying not to make eye contact on the tube!
Cycling helps you to join up the bits of London you hold in your head and make connections. I think that changes the way you think about and interact with the city too.

What are your top tips for new cyclists?

Plan your route – there are lots of quiet back streets, canals, parks and segregated bike lanes to travel along. People think cycling in London is dangerous, but if you plan things it’s generally very relaxed / pleasant. If you are unsure, find a ‘bike buddy’ who can show you the best route and help you get started. Don’t worry about the ‘racers’ - Let them do their thing, you do yours. Take your time, and enjoy the ride.

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