

Institute of Brand and Innovation Law


Institute of Brand and Innovation Law

IBIL is one of only a small number of UK-based university research centres which focus solely upon intellectual property law. The Institute was established in 2007 with a distinctive objective. IBIL seeks not only to undertake first class academic research, but also to pay attention to the practical application intellectual property law and to the interests of IP practitioners in this field.

Sir Robin Jacob

IBIL is led by its Director,听Professor Sir Robin Jacob, inaugural holder of the Sir Hugh Laddie Chair in Intellectual Property Law. As Sir Robin explains:

IBIL is driven by a strong desire to build bridges between academics, practitioners, industry, the judiciary, policy makers and the student community worldwide. IBIL creates and facilitates opportunities for dialogue through hosting events which combine critical analysis with practical relevance and through producing research of the highest standards of scholarly rigour and real-world significance.

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