

Institute of Communications and Connected Systems


ICCS members elected to Fellows of the IEEE

29 November 2017

Two Professors from ICCS have been elected as Fellows of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

IEEE logo and text on a blue background

´¡³Ü³Ù³ó´Ç°ùÌý Robert Thompson, Impact fellow

Research theme logos - Intelligent High Capacity Networks, Infrastructures for Smart Services and Applications, Information and Data Processing
Integrated circuits | Medical devices | Network resource management | Content-based networking

Professor Andreas Demosthenous and Professor George Pavlou have been elected as Fellows of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) from 1 January 2018.

Andreas, Professor of Analogue and Biomedical Electronics, was elected for contributions to integrated circuits for active medical devices.

Detailing his contribution to the field the IEEE stated: 

Professor Demosthenous has made eminent contributions to the advancement of bioelectronics through innovations in integrated circuit design, system architectures and signal processing methods. His innovations have contributed to improving safety and performance in integrated circuit design for active medical devices such as spinal cord and brain stimulators, as well as healthcare wearables.

In addition, George, Professor of Communication Networks, was elected For contributions to network resource management and content-based networking. 

Giving further detail on his importance to the field the IEEE said: 

Professor Pavlou’s research focuses on networking, network management and service engineering. He pioneered a holistic network resource management framework with associated algorithms and protocols, which has been widely adopted by Internet service providers for traffic-engineering their networks and supporting differentiated quality services. In recent years he has been a key driving force behind Information-Centric Networking, with his pioneering work on in-network caching being widely recognised and influencing the evolution of content distribution networks. His research has resulted in a number of best paper awards, panel talks and keynote speeches in high class IEEE conferences. He has also been serving as the leading editor of the IEEE Communications bi-annual series on Network & Service Management over the last 10 years.

IEEE Fellow is the highest grade of membership offered by the IEEE and is recognized by the technical community as a prestigious honour and an important career achievement.