

Institute of Communications and Connected Systems


mm-CASES: mm-wave Circuit-Aware Spectrally-Efficient Communication Systems

mm Wave image

23 November 2020

Unlocking the potential of mm-wave systems through a cross-disciplinary holistic approach

FunderÌýThe Leverhulme Trust

Project websiteÌý

Research topicsÌýmm-wave communication systems | digital signal processing | mm-wave measurement techniques and instrumentation | machine-learning


mm-CASES proposes holistic developments of efficient and cost-effective techniques and systems enabling high-speed communication at mm-wave above 100-GHz. mm-CASES focuses on enhancements of spectral and power efficiencies, while addressing mm-wave practical constraints, through multi-disciplinary efforts between mm-wave system design, measurement technique, signal processing, and machine-learning (ML).
mm-CASES will experimentally demonstrate its efficacy through an optimized testbed transmitting 100-Gb/s over-the-air. The four objectives of mm-CASES are measurement techniques to enable-and-assist the design-and-evaluation of mm-wave circuits, ML-enabled impairment-identification, spectrally-efficient and impairment-resilient signals and correction-algorithms, and circuit-aware system-level optimization of testbeds/demonstrators. Ultimately, the aim is to develop new paradigms for future mm-wave systems.