

Institute of Communications and Connected Systems


FIWIN5G: FIber-Wireless Integrated Networks for 5th Generation delivery

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1 January 2015

Producing the next generation of researchers who will enable Europe to take a leading role in the multidisciplinary area of 5G high-speed wireless internet and beyond, involving devices, systems and networks.

Amount£ 3 800 000

Project website

Research theme logos - Intelligent High Capacity Networks; Ubiquitous Connectivity
Research topics 5G | Training Network | Radio-over-fibre


The network integrates multidisciplinary scientific expertise, complementary skills, and experience working in academia and industry to empower ESRs to work in interdisciplinary teams, integrate their activities, share expertise, and promote a vision of a converged wireless and optical access network that seamlessly and efficiently supports the services and applications being demanded. The support of high bandwidth and high mobility is central to the driving vision of future networks, requiring a large number of technologies to converge, co-exist and interoperate, and most importantly, cooperate, if this vision is to be efficiently and cost-effectively realised. A key area within this next generation jigsaw is the integration of optical fibre networks and radio networks at mm-wave frequencies, to provide high-bandwidth front/backhaul services and enable scalable and manageable networks without a highly complex interface structure and multiple overlaid protocols.


  • "Off-line 59 Gb/s and Real-Time HDTV Transmission Using a High-Capacity CRoF THz Link" M. Freire Hermelo, M. Steeg, A. Stöhr, P.-T. (Boris) Shih, A. Ng’oma, German THz Conference 2017
  • "Coherent Radio-over-Fiber THz Communication Link for High Data-Rate 59 Gbit/s 64-QAM-OFDM and Real-Time HDTV Transmission" A. Stöhr, M. Freire Hermelo, M. Steeg, P.-T. (Boris) Shih, A. Ng’oma, Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC) 2017
  • "Millimeter wave photonic emitter using antenna-integrated UTC photodiode on Si lens" M. Ali, L. Shen, R. Guzmán, M. Lo, A.Rivera, J. J. G. M. van der Tol, L-E García-Muñoz and G. Carpintero SPIE Microelectronics 2017
  • "Monolithically integrated self-heterodyne tunable THz laser" Mu-Chieh Lo, Robinson Guzmán, Muhsin Ali, Shintaro Hisatake, Tadao Nagatsuma and Guillermo Carpintero SPIE Optics and Optoelectronics 2017
  • "", G. Charalambous, G.K.M. Hasanuzzaman, A. Perentos, S. Iezekiel Optics Communication 2017
  • "," Mu-Chieh Lo, Robinson Guzmán, Carlos Gordón, and Guillermo Carpintero, Opt. Lett. 42, 1532-1535 (2017)
  • "," M. Lo, R. Guzmán, C. Gordón, and G. Carpintero, in Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2017), paper W2A.1
  • "", R. Chuenchom, X. Zou, N. Schrinski, S. Babiel, M. Freire Hermelo, M. Steeg, A. Steffan, J. Honecker, Y. Leiba, A. Stöhr, Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 34, no. 20, 2016
  • "". C. Gordon; R. Guzman; V. Corral; M. C. Lo; G. Carpintero, Journal of Lightwave
    Technology, 2016
  • "" A. Astorino, M. Swaminathan and G. Antonini IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
  • "Effective Generation Method and Performance Analysis of Optical sideband Modulation Schemes in Radio over Fiber System", H. N. Parajuli, E. Udvary, Journal of Wireless Networks
  • "" A. Stöhr, M. Freire Hermelo, R. Chuenchom, V. Rymanov, B. Khani, X. Zou, J. Honecker, A. G. Steffan, 21st European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC) 2016
  • "" H. N. Parajuli, E. Udvary 21st European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC) 2016
  • "" S. Rommel, S. Rodriguez, L. Chorchos, E. P. Grakhova, A. K. Sultanov, J. P. Turkiewicz, J. J. Vegas Olmos, and I. Tafur Monroy, Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2016
  • "" I. Feliciano da Costa, S. Rodriguez, R. Puerta, J. J. Vegas Olmos, A. C. Sodré Jr., L.G. da Silva, D. Spadoti, and I. Tafur Monroy, Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), 2016
  • "" S. Rodriguez, R. Puerta, H. Kim, J. J. Vegas Olmos, and I. Tafur Monroy Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett vol. 58, no. 9, 2016
  • "" S. Rodriguez, S. Rommel, J. J. Vegas Olmos, and I. Tafur Monroy, Optical Switching and Networking 2016
  • "" S. Rommel, S. Rodriguez, L. Chorchos, E. Grakhova, A. Sultanov, J. Turkiewicz, J. Olmos, and I. Monroy IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett 2016
  • "" L.C.P. Cavalcante, S. Rommel, S. Rodriguez, J.J. Vegas Olmos, I. Tafur Monroy Opt. Quantum Electron 48 (2016), 279
  • "", M.A. Ilgaz, L. Bogataj, B. Batagelj, M. Vidmar. EuMW 2016
  • "" M. A. Ilgaz, B. Batagelj, 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2016)
  • "" M.A. Ilgaz, B. Batagelj ELMAR, 2016 International Symposium
  • "Influence of Fibre Chromatic Dispersion on the Performance of Analogue Optical Links for an Opto-electronic Oscillator within a 5G Network Structure" M. A. Ilgaz, Eszter Udvary, Bostjan Batagelj ERK 2016
  • "Prenos fazno stabilnega nizkošumnega oscilatorjevega signala v mobilnih omrežij 5G s tehniko prenosa radijskih signalov po optičnem vlaknu", T. Mlinar, B. Batagelj, M. A. Ilgaz ERK 2016
  • "Proposal for the distribution of a low-phase-noise oscillator signal in the forthcoming fifth-generation mobile network by radio-over-fibre technology", M. A. Ilgaz, B. Batagelj ELMAR 2016
  • "" G. Charalambous, G. K. M. Hasanuzzaman, A. Perentos, and S. Iezekiel, 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2016)
  • "" H. N. Parajuli, E. Udvary, 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2016)
  • "", R.C. Guzmán M., G. Carpintero, T. Nagatsuma, C. Gordón, M.C. Lo 18th International
    Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2016)
  • "", C. Gordon, M.C. Lo, R. Guzman, V. Corral, G. Carpintero ECIO 2015
  • "", V. Corral, R. Guzman, C. Gordon, L. Orbe, M. C. Lo, G. Carpintero, ECIO 2016
  • "", C.Gordón, M.C. Lo, R.C.Guzmán, V. Corral, G. Carpintero,URSI 2016
  • "" U. Armendariz, S. Rommel, S. Rodríguez, C. B. Olsen, I. Tafur Monroy and, J.J. Vegas Olmos, Proceedings of European Microwave Week 2016
  • "Láser anillo mode-locked integrado de 30 mm de cavidad, a 2.7 GHz de tasa de repetición" V.Corral, R.C. Guzmán, C. Gordón, L. Orbe, M. C. Lo URSI 2016
  • "" 978-1-5090-6093-1 G. Carpintero, R.C. Guzman, M.C. Lo, C. Gordon 2016 Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS)
  • "" M. C. Lo, R.C. Guzmán, C. Gordón, G. Carpintero International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics MWP (2016)
  • "Ultra-High-Q Optoelectronic Oscillator based on Bilaterally Coupled Loops" G. Charalambous, G.K.M. Hasanuzzaman, A. Perentosand and S. Iezekiel, IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP) 2016, Long Beach, CA, USA
  • "Improving the Capacity of Radio Over Fiber System using Pol-Mux and Vector Signal Transmission", H. N. Parajuli, E. Udvary, A. Szabo, 5th Mesterproba, National Student Conference
  • "", A. Jankowski, G. Kervella, M. Chtioui, M. Lamponi and F. van Dijk ECOC 2016
  • ".", Vegas Olmos, J. J., Astorino, A., Rodríguez Páez, J. S., Rommel, S., & Tafur Monroy, I. Abstract from BIT’s 2nd Annual World Congress of Smart Materials
  • "" Vercesi V, Scaffardi M, Bogoni A, International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM), 2015
  • "" Laghezza F, Scotti f., Serafino G., Pinna S., Onori D., Lazzeri E., Ghelfi P., Bogoni A, 14th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), 2015