

Information Services Division


Resources & Services for IT Staff

This area provides help and resources for IT Managers, Computer Reps and Support Staff/Departmental Administrators who perform IT functions. If you have responsibility for managing an S: drive, set up accounts for visitors, reset passwords or generally answer IT queries for your department, this area is for you.

Most popular

MySQL password change form

Computer Reps tool

Log in to phpMYAdmin interface

IT Managers' Wiki

Explore Resources & Services for IT Staff

Further help & resources

Useful wikis

Computer Reps

Computer Reps FAQs

How do I stop being a Rep? Or remove a Rep from my department?

Contact the ISD IT Services in the first instance and request removal of Reps status.

Removal of Reps status will remove your access to:

  • The Services System itself.
  • The Computer Reps Tool.
  • MyAccount Token generation functions.

Requests can also come from a Departmental Administrator or head of Department if necessary (i.e. “Joe Bloggs is no longer a Rep in our department”) and the same will apply.

What if I need to change the departments that I represent?

All changes to access as a Rep need to be authorised by Head of Department. Complete an additional Services System Registration request for the additional departments you require.

It is also important that you inform the IT Services when you change departments and will no longer be a Computer Rep.

I'm a DA and listed as a Rep, but I don't want to be listed

If you are registered for the Services System as a Departmental Administrator you will automatically be added to the Computer Reps list. If this is not appropriate for your department (e.g. if you have dedicated IT support staff who act as Computer Reps) contact the and we can hide your details from the Reps list. This will not affect your access to Reps tools.