

Information Services Division


Digital Skills Support: terms and conditions

The following are the full terms and conditions of Digital Skills Support, including both Office Hours appointments and Dissertation and thesis clinics.

Note: Attending Digital Skills Support constitutes an acceptance of these terms and conditions which are explained in full below:

  • We will try to provide support to enable you to develop your skills.
    • Our support will aim to meet your immediate needs and to transfer these skills to other situations. We will not complete your work for you or implement a solution on your behalf.
  • All support is provided on a 'best efforts' basis
    • i.e. it is to the best of the ability of the person providing the support. We will advise you of the support options available so you can make an informed decision about when and how to obtain support from us.
  • We will advise you to use, and provide support for, the most suitable application.
    • This is based on our expertise, other resources available, applications supported by Information Services, your needs and your current skills.
  • Digital Skills Support is not intended to provide general training in a particular application or be a substitute for attending a training course.
    • We can respond to specific queries or give an overview of a particular application but if you have training needs in a particular area, we may refer you to a suitable training course or self-study option to meet your needs.
  • Your data and files are your own responsibility.
    • Please ensure that you have copies and wherever possible that you don’t work with us on the original file.
  • Dedicated one-on-one support is available dependent on resources.
    • At times, the member of staff supporting you may need to deal with other users.
  • We can only continue to support you if you follow our recommendations.
    • We will advise you as to what we believe to be the best course of action to meet your needs. If you choose to ignore our advice we may not be able to continue to support you.Â