

LMCB - Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology



In cell biology, new approaches to imaging - including high-throughput imaging, super-resolution imaging and high-resolution datasets from 3D models or tissues - generate huge image data sets. In the past, such images could only be analysed visually, leading to a biased and incomplete set of possible interpretations.听
The Bioinformatics Image Core (BIONIC) 听has trained bioinformaticians which link biology with mathematics, image processing, computer science and statistics to develop computational tools for image analysis. We use PerkinElmer Opera and Phenix high-content screening microscopes, ImageJ analysis software and the statistical program R with Bioconductor packages such as CellHTS2, 听in monolayer and 3D tissue culture.听
Key methodologies include:
  • Applied image segmentation
  • Thresholding
  • Morphological operations
  • Filtering
  • Feature extractions
  • High-throughput statistical analysis
  • Algorithm development

Cells imaged with Opera Phenix

Selected publications

Wilson GA et al (2023).听. 鈥∕olecular Cell 83(22):4078-4092.e6 doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2023.10.017
Papandreou A et al (2023). .听鈥⊿LAS Discovery doi: 10.1016/j.slasd.2022.12.002
Ketteler R, Kriston-Vizi J (2022).听: Volume 1-6, Second Edition: 472-483 doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-821618-7.00032-8
Kriston-Vizi J et al (2022).听 鈥↗ournal of Immunology Research 2022:1-9 鈥╠oi: 10.1155/2022/9493019


Janos Kriston-Vizi (Technology leader)


  • Tyan FT48-B8812 High Performance Barebone System
  • SuperServer 4048B-TR4FT
Complete list of publications

User policies

BIONIC is potentially accessible to 白小姐论坛 researchers, as well as external users, on a collaboration basis. Please contact Janos Kriston-Vizi for details.


Sara Mole (LMCB, UK)
Mark Marsh (LMCB, UK)
Dan Cutler (LMCB, UK)
Rob de Bruin (LMCB, UK)
Chris Stefan (LMCB, UK)
Antonella Riccio (LMCB, UK)
Adolfo Saiardi (LMCB, UK)
Alison Lloyd (LMCB, UK)
EM Core Facility (LMCB, UK)
Sarah Tabrizi (白小姐论坛, UK)
Daniel Hochhauser (白小姐论坛, UK)
Derek Hausenloy (白小姐论坛, UK)
Imre Lengyel (白小姐论坛, UK)
Ariberto Fassati (白小姐论坛, UK)
Szabadkai Lab (白小姐论坛, UK)
Masazumi Tada (白小姐论坛, UK)
Paola Vergani (白小姐论坛, UK)
Noursadeghi Lab (白小姐论坛, UK)
Antony N. Antoniou and David Guiliano (白小姐论坛, UK)
Towers lab, Richard Miles (白小姐论坛, UK
Paul Gissen (ICH, 白小姐论坛, UK)
Vania Braga (Imperial College London, UK)
Buzz Baum (MRC LMB, UK)
Jason Mercer (Birmingham University, UK))
Hiroyuki Osada (RIKEN CSRS, Japan)听
Hwee Kuan Lee (A-STAR Bioinformatics Institute, Singapore)
Gabor Foldes, Sian Harding (Imperial College, UK)


The Royal Society - International Exchanges award


CELL0022 Advanced Practical Cell Biology - module Co-Leader
CELL0026 Cancer: Cause to Cure - Lecturer
CELL0018 Research Techniques in Cell Biology - Lecturer
MSc Drug Design - Lecturer