

Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering


Sustainability Committee

Welcome to Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering's Sustainability Page.

Sustainable Travel and Events

LEAF Audits

Reusing and Recycling

Computing Resources

Energy Saving

Sustainability at С̳

Committee Members

Candice Boateng (Committee Chair)

Current Role: Research Finance Administrator

Why did you join the Sustainability committee?

The planet is changing every day and it’s up to us to mitigate the damage human activity is causing. Climate change affects all areas of society which means we can all play a part in making a change. I joined the committee with the aim of helping the department understand how we can all change (at least) 1 thing in our daily lives to help the planet. Raising awareness on sustainability in our department allows everyone to feel included and able to make a difference whether they’re working/studying in a lab, office, lecture hall or hospital.

Francesca Azolini

Current Role:PhD Student

Why did you join the Sustainability committee?

I joined the MPBE Sustainability Committee because I believe that each of us should raise awareness of sustainability by providing concrete support and helping to make sustainability the norm, not the exception. Being sustainable simply means questioning what we do and understanding how we can support and spread improvement in our society, environment, and economy.

Jamahl Holland

Current Role:Laboratory Technician

Why did you join the Sustainability committee?

I joined the sustainability committee as I have always been quite conscious of my environmental impact and wanted to find ways to be more sustainable at work. I remember watching Sir David Attenborough's Our Planet and realising we all need to do our part to preserve our climate in the future.

Hab Salik

Current Role:Departmental Manager

Why did you join the Sustainability committee?

I created the committee because when I came into the role of the DM as there wasn’t a committee in place and we didn’t even have a bronze award for Green Impact. With global factors effecting climate, general costs and health, it was paramount that the department do their bit to ensure we help the situation rather than making it worse. Our journey as a committee is still early and we have a long way to go.

Do you recommend any media (films, books, music etc) that could make someone more aware of sustainability and/or factors that impact it e.g. climate change?

If you want the extreme and ludicrous watch “The day after tomorrow”. If you want a great film about the harsh realities of global warming, watch “An inconvenient Truth”

John Watts

Current Role:Principal Data Architect

Why did you join the Sustainability Committee?

Climate change and biodiversity collapse will cause untold suffering for billions, it is already happening. Joining the committee for me is one of the actions that I’m taking to play some tiny part in preventing the worst of the climate catastrophe and perhaps preventing the 6th Mass Extinction Event. Its great to meet and discuss issues and initiatives that might help turn things around.

Do you recommend any media (films, books, music etc) that could make someone more aware of sustainability and/or factors that impact it e.g. climate change?

Doughnut Economics is in my opinion absolutely essential reading, it describes a framework for society and human behaviour “with the aim of meeting the needs of all people within the means of the living planet”

Contact us

To join the SustainabilityCommittee, ask a question, or raise an issue, please get in touch with theCommittee Chair, Candice Boateng. Please also ensure you've completed С̳ Training on Sustainability. More information can be found here.