

Molecular Nociception Group



  • Wood, J. N. (2022). Pain, purines and Geoff. AUTONOMIC NEUROSCIENCE-BASIC & CLINICAL, 237, ARTN 102902. 

  • Iseppon, F., Linley, J. E., & Wood, J. N. (2022). Calcium imaging for analgesic drug discovery. Neurobiology of Pain, 100083.

  • MacDonald, D. I., Sikandar, S., Weiss, J., Pyrski, M., Luiz, A. P., Millet, Q., . . . Wood, J. N. (2021). A central mechanism of analgesia in mice and humans lacking the sodium channel Naáµ¥1.7. Neuron. 

  • Raoof, R., Gil, C. M., Lafeber, F. P. J. G., de Visser, H., Prado, J., Versteeg, S., . . . Eijkelkamp, N. (2021). Dorsal Root Ganglia Macrophages Maintain Osteoarthritis Pain. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 41 (39), 8249-8261. 

  • Cibert-Goton, V., Lam, C., Lingaya, M., Falcone, Y., Wood, J. N., Bulmer, D. C., & Spiller, R. (2021). Pain Severity Correlates With Biopsy-Mediated Colonic Afferent Activation But Not Psychological Scores in Patients With IBS-D. CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL GASTROENTEROLOGY, 12 (2), ARTN e00313. 

  • MacDonald, D. I., Luiz, A. P., Iseppon, F., Millet, Q., Emery, E. C., & Wood, J. N. (2021). Silent cold-sensing neurons contribute to cold allodynia in neuropathic pain. Brain. 

  • Theofanous, S. A., Florens, M. V., Appeltans, I., Denadai Souza, A., Wood, J. N., Wouters, M. M., & Boeckxstaens, G. E. (2020). Ephrin-B2 signaling in the spinal cord as a player in post-inflammatory and stress-induced visceral hypersensitivity. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 

  • MacDonald, D. I., Wood, J. N., & Emery, E. C. (2020). Molecular mechanisms of cold pain. Neurobiology of Pain, 7, 100044.

  • Heegde, F. T., Luiz, A. P., Santana-Varela, S., Magnusdottir, R., Hopkinson, M., Chang, Y., . . . Chenu, C. (2020). Osteoarthritis-related nociceptive behaviour following mechanical joint loading correlates with cartilage damage. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 

  • de Clauser, L., Santana-Varela, S., Wood, J. N., & Sikandar, S. (2020). Physiologic osteoclasts are not sufficient to induce skeletal pain in mice. Eur J Pain. 

  • de Clauser, L., Luiz, A. P., Santana-Varela, S., Wood, J. N., & Sikandar, S. (2020). Sensitization of Cutaneous Primary Afferents in Bone Cancer Revealed by In Vivo Calcium Imaging. Cancers, 12 (12), 1-19. 

  • Alles, S. R. A., Nascimento, F., Luján, R., Luiz, A. P., Millet, Q., Bangash, M. A., . . . Wood, J. N. (2020). Sensory neuron–derived Naáµ¥1.7 contributes to dorsal horn neuron excitability. Science Advances, 6 (8). 

  • Luiz, A. P., Macdonald, D. I., Santana-Varela, S., Millet, Q., Sikandar, S., Wood, J. N., & Emery, E. C. Cold sensing by Naáµ¥1.8-positive and Naáµ¥1.8-negative sensory neurons. (2019) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

  • Cox, J., Kurth, I., & Woods, C. G. Human Genetics of Pain. In J. Wood (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Neurobiology of Pain. Oxford University Press

  • Ter Heegde, F., Luiz, A. P., Santana-Varela, S., Chessell, I. P., Welsh, F., Wood, J. N., & Chenu, C. (2019). Non-invasive mechanical joint loading as an alternative model for osteoarthritic pain. Arthritis Rheumatol. 

  • Habib, A. M., Matsuyama, A., Okorokov, A. L., Santana, S., Bras, J. T., Aloisi, A. M., . . . Cox, J. J. A novel human pain insensitivity disorder caused by a point mutation in ZFHX2. Brain.2018 

  • Pereira, V., Millet, Q., Aramburu, J., Lopez-Rodriguez, C., Gaveriaux-Ruff, C., & Wood, J. N. . Analgesia linked to Nav1.7 loss of function requires µ- and δ-opioid receptors. Wellcome Open Res, 3, 101.2018 

  • Sikandar, S., Minett, M. S., Millet, Q., Santana, S., Lau, J., Wood, J. N., & Zhao, J. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor derived from sensory neurons plays a critical role in chronic pain. Brain.2018 

  • Bangash, M. A., Alles, S. R. A., Sonia, S. -. V., Millet, Q., Sikandar, S., de Clauser, L., . . . Wood, J. N. Distinct transcriptional responses of mouse sensory neurons in models of human chronic pain conditions. Wellcome Open Research, 3 (78).2018 

  • Emery, E. C., & Wood, J. N. Gaining on Pain.N Engl J Med, 379 (5), 485-487. 2018 

  • Raouf, R., Lolignier, S., Sexton, J. E., Millet, Q., Santana-Varela, S., Biller, A., . . . Wood, J. N. Inhibition of somatosensory mechanotransduction by annexin A6. Science Signaling, 11 (535), eaao2060.2018 

  • Kanellopoulos, A. H., Koenig, J., Huang, H., Pyrski, M., Millet, Q., Lolignier, S., . . . Zhao, J. Mapping protein interactions of sodium channel NaV1.7 using epitope-tagged gene targeted mice.The EMBO Journal.2018 

  • Beck, S., Berner, A. M., Bignell, G., Bond, M., Callanan, M. J., Chervova, O., . . . Wood, J. N. Personal Genome Project UK (PGP-UK): a research and citizen science hybrid project in support of personalized medicine.BMC MEDICAL GENOMICS, 11, ARTN 108.2018 

  • Sexton, J. E., Cox, J. J., Zhao, J., & Wood, J. N. The Genetics of Pain: Implications for Therapeutics. .Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology.2018 

  • Roeckel L-A,Utard V,Reiss D,Mouheiche J,Maurin H,Robé A,Audouard E,Wood JN,Goumon Y,Simonin F,Gaveriaux-Ruff. Morphine-induced hyperalgesia involves mu opioid receptors and the metabolite morphine-3-glucuronide.Scientific Reports.2017 

  • González-Cano, R., Tejada, M., Artacho-Cordón, A., Nieto, F. R., Entrena, J. M., Wood, J. N., & Cendán, C. M. Effects of Tetrodotoxin in Mouse Models of Visceral Pain. Marine drugs 15 6. 2017 

  • Deuis, J. R., Dekan, Z., Wingerd, J. S., Smith, J. J., Munasinghe, N. R., Bhola, R. F., . . . Vetter, I. Pharmacological characterisation of the highly NaV1.7 selective spider venom peptide Pn3a. Scientific Reports, 7, 40883.2017. 

  • Isensee, J., Krahé, L., Moeller, K., Pereira, V., Sexton, J. E., Sun, X., . . . Hucho, T. Synergistic regulation of serotonin and opioid signaling contributes to pain insensitivity in Nav1.7 knockout mice. Science Signaling 10 (461).2017 

  • Hockley, J. R., González-Cano, R., McMurray, S., Tejada-Giraldez, M. A., McGuire, C., Torres, A., . . . McMurray, G. Visceral and somatic pain modalities reveal NaV 1.7-independent visceral nociceptive pathways. The Journal of Physiology.2017 

  • Emery, E. C., Luiz, A. P., Sikandar, S., Magnúsdóttir, R., Dong, X., & Wood, J. N. In vivo characterization of distinct modality-specific subsets of somatosensory neurons using GCaMP. Sci Adv, 2 (11) 2016, e1600990. 

  • Neumann, E., Brandenburger, T., Santana-Varela, S., Deenen, R., Köhrer, K., Bauer, I., . . . Werdehausen, R. (2016). MicroRNA-1-associated effects of neuron-specific brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene deletion in dorsal root ganglia. Molecular and cellular neurosciences, 75, 36-43 2016. 

  • Emery, E. C., Luiz, A. P., & Wood, J. N. (2016). Nav1.7 and other voltage-gated sodium channels as drug targets for pain relief. Expert opinion on therapeutic targets, 20 (8), 975-983. 

  • Luiz, A. P., & Wood, J. N. (2016). Sodium Channels in Pain and Cancer: New Therapeutic Opportunities. Advances in pharmacology (San Diego, Calif.), 75, 153-178. 

  • Salomons, T. V., Iannetti, G. D., Liang, M., & Wood, J. N. (2016). The "Pain Matrix" in Pain-Free Individuals. JAMA NEUROLOGY, 73 (6), 755-756. 

  • Sexton, J. E., Desmonds, T., Quick, K., Taylor, R., Abramowitz, J., Forge, A., . . . Wood, J. N. (2016). The contribution of TRPC1, TRPC3, TRPC5 and TRPC6 to touch and hearing. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 610, 36-42. 

  • Minett, M. S., Pereira, V., Sikandar, S., Matsuyama, A., Lolignier, S., Kanellopoulos, A. H., . . . Wood, J. N. (2015). Endogenous opioids contribute to insensitivity to pain in humans and mice lacking sodium channel Na(v)1.7. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 6, ARTN 8967. 

  • Wood, J. N. (2015). From plant extract to molecular panacea: a commentary on Stone (1763) 'An account of the success of the bark of the willow in the cure of the agues'. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 370 (1666), ARTN 20140317.

  • Zhao, J., & Wood, J. N. (2015). Glycine at the Gate-from Model to Mechanism. NEURON, 85 (6), 1152-1154. 

  • Crow, M., Khovanov, N., Kelleher, J. H., Sharma, S., Grant, A. D., Bogdanov, Y., . . . Denk, F. (2015). HDAC4 is required for inflammation-associated thermal hypersensitivity. FASEB JOURNAL, 29 (8), 2015 3370-3378. 

  • Lolignier, S., Eijkelkamp, N., & Wood, J. N. (2015). Mechanical allodynia. Pflugers Arch, 467 (1), 133-139. 

  • Koenig, J., Werdehausen, R., Linley, J. E., Habib, A. M., Vernon, J., Lolignier, S., . . . Cox, J. J. (2015). Regulation of Na(v)1.7: A Conserved SCN9A Natural Antisense Transcript Expressed in Dorsal Root Ganglia.2015 PLOS ONE, 10 (6), ARTN e0128830. 

  • Habib AM, Wood JN, Cox JJ. Sodium channels and pain. Handb Exp Pharmacol. 2015. 

  • Zhao J, Wood JN. Glycine at the Gate-from Model to Mechanism. Neuron. 2015 Mar 18;85(6):1152-4. 

  • Choi L, Vernon J, Kopach O, Minett MS, Mills K, Clayton PT, Meert T, Wood JN. The Fabry disease-associated lipid Lyso-Gb3 enhances voltage-gated calcium currents in sensory neurons and causes pain. Neurosci Lett. 2015. 

  • Lolignier S, Eijkelkamp N, Wood JN (2015). Mechanical allodynia.. Pflugers Arch, 467(1), 133 - 139. ​


  • Ren AJ, Wang K, Zhang H, Liu A, Ma X, Liang Q, Cao D, Wood JN, He DZ, Ding YQ, Yuan WJ, Xie Z, Zhang WJ (2014). ZBTB20 regulates nociception and pain sensation by modulating TRP channel expression in nociceptive sensory neurons.. Nat Commun, 5, 4984 - . 

  • Ranade SS, Woo S-H, Dubin AE, Moshourab RA, Wetzel C, Petrus M, Mathur J, Begay V, Coste B, Mainquist J, Wilson AJ, Francisco AG, Reddy K, Qiu Z, Wood JN, Lewin GR, Patapoutian A (2014). Piezo2 Is Required for Touch Sensation in Mice.

  • Waxman SG, Merkies IS, Gerrits MM, Dib-Hajj SD, Lauria G, Cox JJ, Wood JN, Woods CG, Drenth JP, Faber CG (2014). Sodium channel genes in pain-related disorders: phenotype-genotype associations and recommendations for clinical use.. Lancet Neurol, 13(11), 1152 - 1160. 

  • Ramirez JD, Habib AM, Cox JJ, Themistocleous AC, McMahon SB, Wood JN, Bennett DL (2014). Null mutation in SCN9A in which noxious stimuli can be detected in the absence of pain.. Neurology, 83(17), 1577 - 1580. 

  • Zhang Q, Chibalina MV, Bengtsson M, Groschner LN, Ramracheya R, Rorsman NJ, Leiss V, Nassar MA, Welling A, Gribble FM, Reimann F, Hofmann F, Wood JN, Ashcroft FM, Rorsman P (2014). Na+ current properties in islet α- and β-cells reflect cell-specific Scn3a and Scn9a expression.. J Physiol, 592(Pt 21), 4677 - 4696. 

  • Chen W-N, Lee C-H, Lin S-H, Wong C-W, Sun W-H, Wood JN, Chen C-C (2014). Roles of ASIC3, TRPV1, and Na(V)1.8 in the transition from acute to chronic pain in a mouse model of fibromyalgia. MOLECULAR PAIN, 10, - . 

  • Minett MS, Falk S, Santana-Varela S, Bogdanov YD, Nassar MA, Heegaard AM, Wood JN (2014). Pain without nociceptors? Nav1.7-independent pain mechanisms.. Cell Rep, 6(2), 301 - 312. 

  • Paterson K, Lolignier S, Wood JN, McMahon SB, Bennett DLH (2014). Botulinum Toxin-A Treatment Reduces Human Mechanical Pain Sensitivity and Mechanotransduction. ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY, 75(4), 591 - 596. 

  • Sexton JE, Vernon J, Wood JN (2014). TRPs and pain.. Handb Exp Pharmacol, 223, 873 - 897. 

  • Hockley JR, Boundouki G, Cibert-Goton V, McGuire C, Yip PK, Chan C, Tranter M, Wood JN, Nassar MA, Blackshaw LA, Aziz Q, Michael GJ, Baker MD, Winchester WJ, Knowles CH, Bulmer DC (2014). Multiple roles for NaV1.9 in the activation of visceral afferents by noxious inflammatory, mechanical, and human disease-derived stimuli.. Pain, 155(10), 1962 - 1975. 

  • Cregg R, Cox JJ, Bennett DL, Wood JN, Werdehausen R (2014). Mexiletine as a treatment for primary erythromelalgia: normalization of biophysical properties of mutant L858F NaV 1.7 sodium channels.. Br J Pharmacol, 171(19), 4455 - 4463. 

  • Riol-Blanco L, Ordovas-Montanes J, Perro M, Naval E, Thiriot A, Alvarez D, Paust S, Wood JN, von Andrian UH (2014). Nociceptive sensory neurons drive interleukin-23-mediated psoriasiform skin inflammation.. Nature, 510(7503), 157 - 161. 

  • Minett MS, Eijkelkamp N, Wood JN (2014). Significant determinants of mouse pain behaviour.. PLoS One, 9(8), e104458 - . 


  • Wood JN (2013). Results in Analgesia - Darwin 1, Pharma 0. NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 369(26), 2558 - 2560. 

  • Weibel R, Reiss D, Karchewski L, Gardon O, Matifas A, Filliol D, Becker JAJ, Wood JN, Kieffer BL, Gaveriaux-Ruff C (2013). Mu Opioid Receptors on Primary Afferent Nav1.8 Neurons Contribute to Opiate-Induced Analgesia: Insight from Conditional Knockout Mice. PLOS ONE, 8(9), - . 

  • Daou I, Tuttle AH, Longo G, Wieskopf JS, Bonin RP, Ase AR, Wood JN, De Koninck Y, Ribeiro-da-Silva A, Mogil JS, Séguéla P (2013). Remote optogenetic activation and sensitization of pain pathways in freely moving mice.. J Neurosci, 33(47), 18631 - 18640. 

  • Cox JJ, Wood JN (2013). No pain, more gain.. Nat Genet, 45(11), 1271 - 1272. 

  • Cregg R, Laguda B, Werdehausen R, Cox JJ, Linley JE, Ramirez JD, Bodi I, Markiewicz M, Howell KJ, Chen YC, Agnew K, Houlden H, Lunn MP, Bennett DL, Wood JN, Kinali M (2013). Novel mutations mapping to the fourth sodium channel domain of Nav1.7 result in variable clinical manifestations of primary erythromelalgia.. Neuromolecular Med, 15(2), 265 - 278. 

  • Sorge RE, LaCroix-Fralish ML, Tuttle AH, Khoutorsky A, Sotocinal SG, Austin J-S, Melmed K, Labialle S, Schmidt JV, Wood JN, Naumova AK, Mogil JS (2013). The Yin and Yang of pain: variability in formalin test nociception and morphine analgesia produced by the Yin Yang 1 transcription factor gene. GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR, 12(4), 405 - 413. 

  • Coste B, Houge G, Murray MF, Stitziel N, Bandell M, Giovanni MA, Philippakis A, Hoischen A, Riemer G, Steen U, Steen VM, Mathur J, Cox J, Lebo M, Rehm H, Weiss ST, Wood JN, Maas RL, Sunyaev SR, Patapoutian A (2013). Gain-of-function mutations in the mechanically activated ion channel PIEZO2 cause a subtype of Distal Arthrogryposis. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 110(12), 4667 - 4672. 

  • Khonsari RH, Ohazama A, Raouf R, Kawasaki M, Kawasaki K, Porntaveetus T, Ghafoor S, Hammond P, Suttie M, Odri GA, Sandford RN, Wood JN, Sharpe PT (2013). Multiple postnatal craniofacial anomalies are characterized by conditional loss of polycystic kidney disease 2 (Pkd2). HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS, 22(9), 1873 - 1885. 

  • Eijkelkamp N, Linley JE, Torres JM, Bee L, Dickenson AH, Gringhuis M, Minett MS, Hong GS, Lee E, Oh U, Ishikawa Y, Zwartkuis FJ, Cox JJ, Wood JN (2013). A role for Piezo2 in EPAC1-dependent mechanical allodynia.. Nat Commun, 4, 1682 - . 

  • Eijkelkamp N, Quick K, Wood JN (2013). Transient Receptor Potential Channels and Mechanosensation. ANNUAL REVIEW OF NEUROSCIENCE, VOL 36, 36, 519 - 546. 


  • Vetter I, Touska F, Hess A, Hinsbey R, Sattler S, Lampert A, Sergejeva M, Sharov A, Collins LS, Eberhardt M, Engel M, Cabot PJ, Wood JN, Vlachova V, Reeh PW, Lewis RJ, Zimmermann K (2012). Ciguatoxins activate specific cold pain pathways to elicit burning pain from cooling. EMBO JOURNAL, 31(19), 3795 - 3808. 

  • Farmer C, Cox JJ, Fletcher EV, Woods CG, Wood JN, Schorge S (2012). Splice variants of Na(V)1.7 sodium channels have distinct ? subunit-dependent biophysical properties.. PLoS One, 7(7), e41750 - . 

  • Eijkelkamp N, Linley JE, Baker MD, Minett MS, Cregg R, Werdehausen R, Rugiero F, Wood JN (2012). Neurological perspectives on voltage-gated sodium channels.. Brain, 135(Pt 9), 2585 - 2612. 

  • Shields SD, Ahn H-S, Yang Y, Han C, Seal RP, Wood JN, Waxman SG, Dib-Hajj SD (2012). Na(v)1.8 expression is not restricted to nociceptors in mouse peripheral nervous system. PAIN, 153(10), 2017 - 2030. 

  • Wood JN, Eijkelkamp N (2012). Noxious mechanosensation - molecules and circuits.. Curr Opin Pharmacol, 12(1), 4 - 8. 

  • Quick K, Zhao J, Eijkelkamp N, Linley JE, Rugiero F, Cox JJ, Raouf R, Gringhuis M, Sexton J, Abramowitz J, Taylor R, Forge A, Ashmore J, Kirkwood N, Kros CJ, Richardson G, Freichel M, Flockrzi V, Birnbaumer L, Wood JN (2012). TRPC3 and TRPC6 are essential for normal mechanotransduction in subsets of sensory neurons and cochlear hair cells. Open Biology, 2, - .

  • Raouf R, Rugiero F, Kiesewetter H, Hatch R, Hummler E, Nassar MA, Wang F, Wood JN (2012). Sodium channels and mammalian sensory mechanotransduction.. Mol Pain, 8, 21 - . 

  • Minett MS, Nassar MA, Clark AK, Passmore G, Dickenson AH, Wang F, Malcangio M, Wood JN (2012). Distinct Nav1.7-dependent pain sensations require different sets of sensory and sympathetic neurons.. Nat Commun, 3, 791 - . 

  • Eijkelkamp N, Heijnen CJ, Carbajal AG, Willemen HL, Wang H, Minett MS, Wood JN, Schedlowski M, Dantzer R, Kelley KW, Kavelaars A (2012). G protein-coupled receptor kinase 6 acts as a critical regulator of cytokine-induced hyperalgesia by promoting phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and inhibiting p38 signaling.. Mol Med, 18, 556 - 564. 

  • Cho H, Yang YD, Lee J, Lee B, Kim T, Jang Y, Back SK, Na HS, Harfe BD, Wang F, Raouf R, Wood JN, Oh U (2012). The calcium-activated chloride channel anoctamin 1 acts as a heat sensor in nociceptive neurons.. Nat Neurosci, 15(7), 1015 - 1021. 


  • Lau J, Minett MS, Zhao J, Dennehy U, Wang F, Wood JN, Bogdanov YD (2011). Temporal control of gene deletion in sensory ganglia using a tamoxifen-inducible Advillin-Cre-ERT2 recombinase mouse.. Mol Pain, 7, 100 - . 

  • Gautron L, Sakata I, Udit S, Zigman JM, Wood JN, Elmquist JK (2011). Genetic Tracing of Nav1.8-Expressing Vagal Afferents in the Mouse. J COMP NEUROL, 519(15), 3085 - 3101. 

  • Gonzalez-Cano R, Tejada-Giraldez MA, Sanchez-Fernandez C, Torres-Pinedo A, Baeyens JM, Wood JN, Cendan CM (2011). INVOLVEMENT OF TETRODOTOXIN-SENSITIVE SODIUM CHANNELS IN VISCERAL PAIN. BASIC CLIN PHARMACOL, 109, 38 - 38.

  • Weibel R, Gaveriaux-Ruff C, Nozaki C, Nadal X, Hever XC, Matifas A, Reissl D, Filliol D, Wood JN, Maldonado R, Kieffer BL (2011). Genetic ablation of delta opioid receptors in nociceptive sensory neurons increases chronic pain and abolishes analgesia. PHARMACOL REP, 63(1), 243 - 243.

  • Lagerstrom MC, Rogoz K, Abrahamsen B, Lind AL, Olund C, Smith C, Mendez JA, Wallen-Mackenzie A, Wood JN, Kullander K (2011). A sensory subpopulation depends on vesicular glutamate transporter 2 for mechanical pain, and together with substance P, inflammatory pain. P NATL ACAD SCI USA, 108(14), 5789 - 5794. 

  • Weiss J, Pyrski M, Jacobi E, Bufe B, Willnecker V, Schick B, Zizzari P, Gossage SJ, Greer CA, Leinders-Zufall T, Woods CG, Wood JN, Zufall F (2011). Loss-of-function mutations in sodium channel Nav1.7 cause anosmia.. Nature, 472(7342), 186 - 190. 

  • Moldovan M, Alvarez S, Pinchenko V, Klein D, Nielsen FC, Wood JN, Martini R, Krarup C (2011). Na(v)1.8 channelopathy in mutant mice deficient for myelin protein zero is detrimental to motor axons. BRAIN, 134, 585 - 601. 

  • Liu M, Oh U, Wood JN (2011). From transduction to pain sensation: Defining genes, cells, and circuits. PAIN, 152(3), S16 - S19. 

  • Gaveriaux-Ruff C, Nozaki C, Nadal X, Hever XC, Weibel R, Matifas A, Reiss D, Filliol D, Nassar MA, Wood JN, Maldonado R, Kieffer BL (2011). Genetic ablation of delta opioid receptors in nociceptive sensory neurons increases chronic pain and abolishes opioid analgesia. PAIN, 152(6), 1238 - 1248. 


  • Zhao J, Lee MC, Momin A, Cendan CM, Shepherd ST, Baker MD, Asante C, Bee L, Bethry A, Perkins JR, Nassar MA, Abrahamsen B, Dickenson A, Cobb BS, Merkenschlager M, Wood JN (2010). Small RNAs control sodium channel expression, nociceptor excitability, and pain thresholds.. J Neurosci, 30(32), 10860 - 10871. 

  • Raouf R, Quick K, Wood JN (2010). Pain as a channelopathy.. J Clin Invest, 120(11), 3745 - 3752. 

  • Kremeyer B, Lopera F, Cox JJ, Momin A, Rugiero F, Marsh S, Woods CG, Jones NG, Paterson KJ, Fricker FR, Villegas A, Acosta N, Pineda-Trujillo NG, Ram�rez JD, Zea J, Burley MW, Bedoya G, Bennett DL, Wood JN, Ruiz-Linares A (2010). A gain-of-function mutation in TRPA1 causes familial episodic pain syndrome.. Neuron, 66(5), 671 - 680. 

  • Zhao J, Yuan G, Cendan CM, Nassar MA, Lagerstr�m MC, Kullander K, Gavazzi I, Wood JN (2010). Nociceptor-expressed ephrin-B2 regulates inflammatory and neuropathic pain.. Mol Pain, 6, 77 - . 

  • Eijkelkamp N, Wang H, Garza-Carbajal A, Willemen HL, Zwartkruis FJ, Wood JN, Dantzer R, Kelley KW, Heijnen CJ, Kavelaars A (2010). Low nociceptor GRK2 prolongs prostaglandin E2 hyperalgesia via biased cAMP signaling to Epac/Rap1, protein kinase Cepsilon, and MEK/ERK.. J Neurosci, 30(38), 12806 - 12815. 

  • Golden JP, Hoshi M, Nassar MA, Enomoto H, Wood JN, Milbrandt J, Gereau RW, Johnson EM, Jain S (2010). RET Signaling Is Required for Survival and Normal Function of Nonpeptidergic Nociceptors. J NEUROSCI, 30(11), 3983 - 3994. 

  • Lagerstrom MC, Rogoz K, Abrahamsen B, Persson E, Reinius B, Nordenankar K, Olund C, Smith C, Mendez JA, Chen ZF, Wood JN, Wallen-Mackenzie A, Kullander K (2010). VGLUT2-Dependent Sensory Neurons in the TRPV1 Population Regulate Pain and Itch. NEURON, 68(3), 529 - 542. 

  • Eijkelkamp N, Heijnen CJ, Willemen HLDM, Deumens R, Joosten EAJ, Kleibeuker W, den Hartog IJM, van Velthoven CTJ, Nijboer C, Nassar MA, Dorn GW, Wood JN, Kavelaars A (2010). GRK2: A Novel Cell-Specific Regulator of Severity and Duration of Inflammatory Pain. J NEUROSCI, 30(6), 2138 - 2149. 

  • Cregg R, Momin A, Rugiero F, Wood JN, Zhao J (2010). Pain channelopathies.. J Physiol, 588(Pt 11), 1897 - 1904. 

  • Rugiero F, Drew LJ, Wood JN (2010). Kinetic properties of mechanically activated currents in spinal sensory neurons.. J Physiol, 588(Pt 2), 301 - 314. 

  • Chambers JC, Zhao J, Terracciano CM, Bezzina CR, Zhang W, Kaba R, Navaratnarajah M, Lotlikar A, Sehmi JS, Kooner MK, Deng G, Siedlecka U, Parasramka S, El-Hamamsy I, Wass MN, Dekker LR, de Jong JS, Sternberg MJ, McKenna W, Severs NJ, de Silva R, Wilde AA, Anand P, Yacoub M, Scott J, Elliott P, Wood JN, Kooner JS (2010). Genetic variation in SCN10A influences cardiac conduction.. Nat Genet, 42(2), 149 - 152. 


  • Rugiero F, Wood JN (2009). The mechanosensitive cell line ND-C does not express functional thermoTRP channels.. Neuropharmacology, 56(8), 1138 - 1146. 


  • Fricker FR, Zhu N, Tsantoulas C, Abrahamsen B, Nassar MA, Thakur M, Garratt AN, Birchmeier C, McMahon SB, Wood JN, Bennett DLH (2009). Sensory Axon-Derived Neuregulin-1 Is Required for Axoglial Signaling and Normal Sensory Function But Not for Long-Term Axon Maintenance. J NEUROSCI, 29(24), 7667 - 7678. 

  • Shao D, Baker MD, Abrahamsen B, Rugiero F, Malik-Hall M, Poon WY, Cheah KS, Yao KM, Wood JN, Okuse K (2009). A multi PDZ-domain protein Pdzd2 contributes to functional expression of sensory neuron-specific sodium channel Na(V)1.8.. Mol Cell Neurosci, 42(3), 219 - 225. 

  • Oh U, Wood JN (2009). Fat location defines sensation. P NATL ACAD SCI USA, 106(44), 18435 - 18436. 

  • Fricker D, Dinocourt C, Eugene E, Wood JN, Miles R (2009). Pyramidal cells of rodent presubiculum express a tetrodotoxin-insensitive Na+ current (vol 587, pg 4249, 2009). J PHYSIOL-LONDON, 587(23), 5797 - 5797. 


  • Ostman JA, Nassar MA, Wood JN, Baker MD (2008). GTP up-regulated persistent Na+ current and enhanced nociceptor excitability require NaV1.9. The Journal of Physiology, 15(586), 1077 - 1087.

  • Huang H-L, Cendan C-M, Roza C, Okuse K, Cramer R, Timms JF, Wood JN (2008). Proteomic profiling of neuromas reveals alterations in protein composition and local protein synthesis in hyper-excitable nerves. Molecular Pain, 4(33), - .

  • Momin A, Wood JN (2008). Sensory neuron voltage-gated sodium channels as analgesic drug targets.. Curr Opin Neurobiol, 18(4), 383 - 388. 

  • Donier E, Rugiero F, Jacob C, Wood JN (2008). Regulation of ASIC activity by ASIC4--new insights into ASIC channel function revealed by a yeast two-hybrid assay.. Eur J Neurosci, 28(1), 74 - 86. 

  • Abrahamsen B, Zhao J, Asante CO, Cendan CM, Marsh S, Martinez-Barbera JP, Nassar MA, Dickenson AH, Wood JN (2008). The cell and molecular basis of mechanical, cold, and inflammatory pain. Science, 321(5889), 702 - 705.

  • Foulkes T, Wood JN (2008). Pain Genes. PLOS GENET, 4(7), - . 

  • Wickramasinghe SR, Alvania RS, Ramanan N, Wood JN, Mandai K, Ginty DD (2008). Serum response factor mediates NGF-dependent target innervation by embryonic DRG sensory neurons. NEURON, 58(4), 532 - 545. 

  • Ostman JAR, Nassar MA, Wood JN, Baker MD (2008). GTP up-regulated persistent Na+ current and enhanced nociceptor excitability require Na(V)1.9. J PHYSIOL-LONDON, 586(4), 1077 - 1087. 


  • Drew LJ, Rugiero F, Cesare P, Gale JE, Abrahamsen B, Bowden S, Heinzmann S, Robinson M, Brust A, Colless B, Lewis RJ, Wood JN (2007). High-threshold mechanosensitive ion channels blocked by a novel conopeptide mediate pressure-evoked pain. PLoS ONE, 13(2), e515 - .

  • Zimmermann K, Leffler A, Babes A, Cendan CM, Carr RW, Kobayashi J, Nau C, Wood JN, Reeh PW (2007). Sensory neuron sodium channel Nav1.8 is essential for pain at low temperatures. Nature, 14(447), 855 - 858.

  • Drew LJ, Wood JN (2007). FM1-43 is a permeant blocker of mechanosensitive ion channels in sensory neurons and inhibits behavioural responses to mechanical stimuli.. Molecular Pain, 6(3), 1 - .

  • Wood JN (2007). Ion channels in analgesia research.. Handb Exp Pharmacol, (177), 329 - 358.

  • Drew LJ, Rugiero F, Cesare P, Gale JE, Abrahamsen B, Bowden S, Heinzmann S, Robinson M, Brust A, Colless B, Lewis RJ, Wood JN (2007). High-threshold mechanosensitive ion channels blocked by a novel conopeptide mediate pressure-evoked pain.. PLoS One, 2(6), e515 - . 

  • Foulkes T, Wood JN (2007). Mechanisms of cold pain.. Channels (Austin), 1(3), 154 - 160.

  • Drew LJ, Rugiero F, Wood JN (2007). Touch. CURR TOP MEMBR, 59, 425 - 465. 

  • Zimmermann K, Leffler A, Babes A, Cendan CM, Carr RW, Kobayashi J, Nau C, Wood JN, Reeh PW (2007). Sensory neuron sodium channel Na(v)1.8 is essential for pain at low temperatures. NATURE, 447(7146), 855 - 858. 


  • Fertleman CR, Baker MD, Parker KA, Moffatt S, Elmslie FV, Abrahamsen B, Ostman J, Klugbauer N, Wood JN, Gardiner RM, Rees M (2006). SCN9A mutations in paroxysmal extreme pain disorder: allelic variants underlie distinct channel defects and phenotypes. Neuron, 52, 767 - 774. 

  • Mathews E, Wood JN, Dickenson AH (2006). Nav 1.8-null mice show stimulus-dependent deficits in spinal neuronal activity. Molecular Pain, 14(2), 5 - .

  • Di CA, Drew LJ, Wood JN, Cesare P (2006). Modulation of sensory neuron mechanotransduction by PKC- and nerve growth factor-dependent pathways.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103(12), 4699 - 4704.

  • McMahon SB, Wood JN (2006). Increasingly irritable and close to tears: TRPA1 in inflammatory pain. CELL, 124(6), 1123 - 1125. 

  • Ekberg J, Jayamanne A, Vaughan CW, Aslan S, Thomas L, Mouldt J, Drinkwater R, Baker MD, Abrahamsen B, Wood JN, Adams DJ, Christie MJ, Lewis RJ (2006). mu O-conotoxin MrVIB selectively blocks Na(v)1.8 sensory neuron specific sodium channels and chronic pain behavior without motor deficits. P NATL ACAD SCI USA, 103(45), 17030 - 17035. 

  • Zhao J, Seereeram A, Nassar MA, Levato A, Pezet S, Hathway G, Morenilla-Palao C, Stirling C, Fitzgerald M, McMahon SB, Rios M, Wood JN (2006). Nociceptor-derived brain-derived neurotrophic factor regulates acute and inflammatory but not neuropathic pain. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 31(3), 539 - 548. 

  • Nassar MA, Baker MD, Levato A, Ingram R, Mallucci G, McMahon SB, Wood JN (2006). Nerve injury induces robust allodynia and ectopic discharges in Nav1.3 null mutant mice. Molecular Pain, 2, 33 - . 

  • Cox JJ, Reimann F, Nicholas AK, Thornton G, Roberts E, Springell K, Karbani G, Jafri H, Mannan J, Raashid Y, Al-Gazali L, Hamamy H, Valente EM, Gorman S, Williams R, McHale DP, Wood JN, Gribble FM, Woods CG (2006). An SCN9A channelopathy causes congenital inability to experience pain. Nature, 14(444), 894 - 895.

  • Foulkes T, Nassar MA, Lane T, Matthews EA, Baker MD, Gerke V, Okuse K, Dickenson AH, Wood JN (2006). Deletion of annexin 2 light chain p11 in nociceptors causes deficits in somatosensory coding and pain behavior.. Journal of Neuroscience, 26(41), 10499 - 10507. 

  • Ekberg J, Jayamanne A, Vaughan CW, Aslan S, Thomas L, Mould J, Drinkwater R, Baker MD, Abrahamsen B, Wood JN, Adams DJ, Christie MJ, Lewis RJ (2006). muO-conotoxin MrVIB selectively blocks Nav1.8 sensory neuron specific sodium channels and chronic pain behavior without motor deficits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 7(103), 17030 - 17035.

  • Zhao J, Nassar MA, Gavazzi I, Wood JN (2006). Tamoxifen-inducible NaV1.8-CreERT2 recombinase activity in nociceptive neurons of dorsal root ganglia. Genesis, 44(8), 364 - 371.

  • Cox JJ, Reimann F, Nicholas AK, Thornton G, Roberts E, Springell K, Karbani G, Jafri H, Mannan J, Raashid Y, Al-Gazali L, Hamamy H, Valente EM, Gorman S, Williams R, McHale DP, Wood JN, Gribble FM, Woods CG (2006). An SCN9A channelopathy causes congenital inability to experience pain. NATURE, 444(7121), 894 - 898. 


  • Donier E, Rugiero F, Okuse K, Wood JN (2005). Annexin II light chain p11 promotes functional expression of acid-sensing ion channel ASIC1a. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280(46), 38666 - 38672. 

  • Braz JM, Nassar MA, Wood JN, Basbaum AI (2005). Parallel "pain" pathways arise from subpopulation of primary afferent nociceptor. NEURON, 47(6), 787 - 793. 

  • Drew LJ, Wood JN (2005). Worm sensation!. Mol Pain, 1, 8 - . 

  • Wood JN, Boorman J (2005). Voltage-gated sodium channel blockers; target validation and therapeutic potential.. Curr Top Med Chem, 5(6), 529 - 537.

  • Liapi A, Wood JN (2005). Extensive co-localization and heteromultimer formation of the vanilloid receptor-like protein TRPV2 and the capsaicin receptor TRPV1 in the adult rat cerebral cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience, 22(4), 825 - 834.

  • Stirling LC, Forlani G, Baker MD, Wood JN, Matthews EA, Dickenson AH, Nassar MA (2005). Nociceptor-specific gene deletion using heterozygous NaV1.8-Cre recombinase mice.. Pain, 113(1), 27 - 36.

  • Braz JM, Nassar MA, Wood JN, Basbaum AI (2005). Parallel "pain" pathways arise from subpopulations of primary afferent nociceptor. Neuron, 47(6), 771 - 772.

  • Maruyama H, Yamamoto M, Matsutomi T Z, T N, Y W, J N O, N (2005). Electrophysiological characterization of the tetrodotoxin-resistant Na(+) channel, Na(v)1.9, in mouse dorsal root ganglion neurons. Pfl�gers Archiv European Journal of Physiology, 449, 76 - 87.

  • Nassar MA, Levato A, Stirling LC, Wood JN (2005). Neuropathic pain develops normally in mice lacking both Nav1.7 and Nav1.8. Molecular Pain, 1(24), - .

  • Ahmadi KR, Weale ME, Xue ZYY, Soranzo N, Yarnall DP, Briley JD, Maruyama Y, Kobayashi M, Wood NW, Spurr NK, Burns DK, Roses AD, Saunders AM, Goldstein DB (2005). A single-nucleotide polymorphism tagging set for human drug metabolism and transport. Nature Genetics, 37(1), 84 - 89. 


  • Poon WY, Malik-Hall M, Wood JN, Okuse K (2004). Identification of binding domains in the sodium channel Na(V)1.8 intracellular N-terminal region and annexin II light chain p11. FEBS Letters, 558, 114 - 118.

  • Drew LJ, Price MP, Wood J (2004). Recent advances in understanding molecular mechanisms of primary afferant activation. Gut, 53, 9 - 12.

  • Drew LJ, Price MP, Wood J (2004). Acid sensing ion channels ASIC2 and ASIC3 do not contribute to mechanically activated currents in mammalian sensory neurons. The Journal of Physiology, 556(3), 691 - 710.

  • (2004). Introduction to the Journal of Neurobiology special issue on noiception. Journal of Neurobiology, 61(1), 1 - 2.

  • Wood JN, Boorman JP, Okuse K (2004). Voltage gted Sodium channels and pain pathways. Journal of Neurobiology, 61(1), 55 - 71. 

  • Wood JN, Abrahamsen B, Baker MD, Boorman JD, Donier E, Drew LJ, Nassar MA, Okuse K, Seereeram A, Stirling CL, Zhao J (2004). Ion channel activities implicated in pathological pain.. Novartis Found Symp, 261, 32 - 40.

  • Wood JN, Abrahamsen B, Baker MD, Boorman JD, Donier E, Drew L, Nassar MA, Okuse K, Seereeram A, Stirling LC, Zhao J (2004). Mechanisms of hyperalgesia: Regulation of nociceptor activation and excitability.

  • Wood JN (2004). Recent advances in understanding molecular mechanisms of primary afferent activation.. Gut, 53 Suppl 2, ii9 - i12.

  • Nassar MA, Stirling LC, Forlani G, Baker MD, Matthews EA, Dickenson AH, Wood JN (2004). Nociceptor-specific gene deletion reveals a major role for Nav1.7 (PN1) in acute and inflammatory pain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, (101), 12706 - 12711. 

  • Maruyama H, Yamamoto M, Wood J (2004). Electrophysical characterisation of the tetrodotoxin resistant Na+ channel Na(v)1.9. Pfl�gers Archiv European Journal of Physiology, 449(1), 76 - 87.


  • Wood JN, Akopian AN (2003). . Issued patent for Nav1.8 as an analgesic drug target ,in US, Japan, Australia CT/GB96/01523P (Publication no WO97/01577) Now issued in US (US6451554).

  • Roza C, Laird JM, Souslova V, Wood JN, Cervero F (2003). The tetrodotoxin-resistant Na+ channel Nav1.8 is essential for the expression of spontaneous activity in damaged sensory axons of mice. The Journal of Physiology, 550(3), 921 - 926.

  • Baker MD, Chandra SY, Ding Y, Waxman SG, Wood JN (2003). GTP-induced tetrodotoxin-resistant Na+ current regulates excitability in mouse and rat small diameter sensory neurones. The Journal of Physiology, 548(2), 373 - 382.

  • Malik-Hall M, Poon L, Baker M, Wood JN, Okuse K (2003). Sensory neuron proteins interact with the intracellular domains of sodium channel Nav1.8. Molecular Brain Research, 110(2), 298 - 304.

  • Malik-Hall M, Wood JN, Okuse K (2003). Voltage-gated sodium channels. In Moss SJ, Henley J (Ed.), Receptor and Ion Channel Traficking (pp. 3 - 28). : Oxford University Press.

  • Djouhri L, Fang X, Okuse K, Wood JN, Berry CM, Lawson S (2003). The TTX-resistant sodium channel Nav1.8 (SNS/PN3): expression and correlation with membrane properties in rat nociceptive primary afferent neurons. The Journal of Physiology, 550(3), 739 - 752.

  • Weale ME, Depondt C, Macdonald SJ, Smith A, Lai PS, Shorvon SD, Wood NW, Goldstein DB (2003). Selection and evaluation of tagging SNPs in the neuronal sodium channel gene SCN1A: Implications for linkage disequilibrium gene mapping. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 73(3), 551 - 565. 


  • Wood JN, Akopian AN, Baker MD, Ding Y, Geoghegan F, Nassar M, Malik-Hall M, Okuse K, Poon L, Ravenall S, Sukumaran M, Souslova V (2002). Sodium channels in primary sensory neurons: relationship to pain states. , , - .

  • Malik-Hall M, Wood J, Okuse K, Henley J (2002). Voltage-gated Sodium channels in Receptor and Ion Channel Traficking. In (Ed.), (pp. 3 - 28). : Oxford University Press.

  • Laird JMA, Souslova V, Wood JN, Cervero F (2002). Deficits in visceral pain and referred hyperalgesia in Nav1.8 (SNS/PN3)-null mice. J NEUROSCI, 22(19), 8352 - 8356.

  • Drew L, Wood J, Cesare P (2002). Distinct mechanosensitive properties of capsaicin-sensitive and insensitive sensory neurons. Journal of Neuroscience, 22(12), - .

  • Okuse K, Malik-Hall M, Baker MD, Poon L, Kong H, Chao M, Wood J (2002). Annexin 2 light chain regulates sensory neuron-specific sodium channel expression. Nature, 417, 653 - 656. 

  • Baker MD, Chandra SY, Wood JN (2002). Up-regulation of Na+ current attributed to Na(v)1.9 (NaN) changes firing properties of small diameter sensory neurones.

  • Ravenall S, Gavazzi I, Wood JN, Akopian AN (2002). A peripheral nervous system actin-binding protein regulates neurite outgrowth. European Journal of Neuroscience, 15(2), 281 - 290.


  • Wood JN (2001). The primary nociceptor: special functions, special receptors. In Devor M (Ed.), (pp. 1 - 16). : IASP.

  • Dziadulewicz EK, Walpole CS, Snell CR, Wrigglesworth R, Hughes GA, Beattie D, Wood JN, Beech MM, Coote PR (2001). Design of non-peptide CCK2 and NK1 peptidomimetics using 1-(2-nitrophenyl)thiosemicarbazide as a novel common scaffold. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 11(5), 705 - 709.

  • Goldin AL, Barchi RL, Caldwell JH, Hofmann F, Howe JR, Hunter JC, Kallen RG, Mandel G, Meisler MH, Netter YB, Noda M, Tamkun MM, Waxman SG, Wood JN, Catterall WA (2001). Nomenclature of voltage-gated sodium channels. Neuron, 28, 365 - 368.

  • Kerr BJ, Souslova V, McMahon SB, Wood JN (2001). A role for the TTX-resistant sodium channel Nav 1.8 in NGF-induced hyperalgesia, but not neuropathic pain. NeuroReport, 12(14), 3077 - 3080.

  • Wood JN, Baker MD (2001). Voltage-gated sodium channels. Current Opinion in Pharmacology, 1, 17 - 21.

  • Baker MD, Wood JN (2001). Involvement of sodium channels in pain pathways. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 22, 27 - 31.

  • Sukumaran M, Waxman SG, Wood JN, Pachnis V (2001). Flanking regulatory sequences of the locus encoding the murine GDNF receptor, c-ret, directs lac Z (beta-galactosidase) expression in developing somatosensory system. Developmental Dynamics, 222(3), 389 - 402.

  • Wood JN (2001). Sodium channels in primary sensory neurons; relationship to pain states (in "Sodium Channels and neuronal excitability", eds.Waxman, S.G.). Novartis Foundation Symposium, 241, - .

  • Souslova V, Cesare P, Ding YN, Akoplan AN, Stanfa L, Suzuki R, Carpenter K, Nebenius-Oosthuizen D, Smith AJH, Kidd EJ, Wood JN (2001). Warm-coding deficits and aberrant inflammatory pain in mice lacking P2X(3) (vol 407, pg 1015, 2000). NATURE, 409(6821), 743 - +.


  • Wood JN, Akopian AN, Cesare P, Ding YN, Garcia R, Heath M, Liapi A, Malik-Hall M, Nassar M, Okuse K, Ravenall S, Rufian O, Souslova V, Sukumaran M (2000). The primary nociceptor: Special functions, special receptors.

  • Wood JN (2000). Genetic approaches to pain mechanisms. J PHYSIOL-LONDON, 526, 6S - 6S.

  • Wood JN (2000). Genetic approaches to pain therapy. American Journal of Physiology, 278, - .

  • Boucher TJ, Okuse K, Bennett DL, Munson JB, Wood JN, McMahon SB (2000). Potent analgesic effects of GDNF in neuropathic pain states. Science, 290, 124 - 127.

  • Goldin AL, Barchi RL, Caldwell JH, Hofmann F, Howe JR, Hunter JC, Kallen RG, Mandel G, Meisler MH, Netter YB, Noda M, Tamkun MM, Waxman SG, Wood JN, Caterall WA (2000). Nomenclature of voltage-gated sodium channels. Neuron, 28, 365 - 368.

  • Ding Y, Cesare P, Drew L, Nikitaki D, Wood JN (2000). ATP, P2X receptors and pain pathways. Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System, 81, 289 - 294.

  • Souslova V, Cesare P, Ding Y, Akopian AN, Stanfa L, Suzuki R, Carpenter K, Dickenson AH, Boyce S, Hill R, Nebenius-Oosthuizen D, Smith AH, Kidd EJ, Wood JN (2000). Warm coding deficits and aberrant inflammatory pain in mice lacking P2X3 receptors. Nature, 407, 1015 - 1017.

  • (2000). Molecular Basis of Pain Induction.

  • Wood JN (2000). Pathobiology of visceral pain: molecular mechanisms and therapeutic implications. II. Genetic approaches to pain therapy.. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol, 278(4), G507 - G512.

  • Wood JN, Heath MJ (2000). Molecules that specify modality: mechanisms of nociception.. J Pain, 1(3 Suppl), 19 - 25.

  • Cesare P, Souslova V, Akopian A, Rufian O, Wood JN (2000). Fast inactivating responses to ATP are lost in dorsal root ganglion neurons isolated from P2X3 knock-out mice. J PHYSIOL-LONDON, 523, 10P - 11P.

  • Cummins TR, Dib-Hajj SD, Black JA, Akopian AN, Wood JN, Waxman SG (2000). Novel persistent tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium current in SNS-null and wild-type spinal sensory neurons. J PHYSIOL-LONDON, 523, 161P - 161P.

  • Wood JN (2000). Gene ablation studies of nociceptive neurons. J PHYSIOL-LONDON, 523, 10S - 10S.

  • Wood JN (2000). Molecular biology of nociceptor Na channels. BRIT J PHARMACOL, 129, - .

  • Akopian AN, Chen CC, Ding Y, Cesare P, Wood JN (2000). A new member of the acid-sensing ion channel family. NeuroReport, 11, 2217 - 2222.


  • Waxman SG, Wood JN (1999). Sodium channels: from mechanisms to medicines?. Brain Research Bulletin, 50(5), 309 - 310.

  • Akopian AN, Souslova V, England S, Okuse K, Ogata N, Ure N, Smith A, Kerr BJ, Wood JN (1999). The tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channel SNS plays a specialised role in pain pathways. Nature Neuroscience, 2, 541 - 548.

  • Akopian AN, Souslova V, England S, Okuse K, Ogata N, Ure J, Smith A, Kerr BJ, McMahon SB, Boyce S, Hill R, Stanfa LC, Dickenson AH, Wood JN (1999). The tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channel SNS has a specialized function in pain pathways. Nature Neuroscience, , 541 - 548.

  • Fitzgerald E, Okuse K, Dolphin A, Wood JN, Moss S (1999). Cyclic AMP-dependent phosphorylation of the Tetrodotoxin-resistant voltage-dependent sodium channel, SNS. The Journal of Physiology, 516, 433 - 446.

  • Akopian AN, Okuse K, Souslova V, England S, Ogata N, Wood JN (1999). Trans-splicing of a voltage-gated sodium channel is regulated by Nerve Growth Factor. FEBS Letters, 445(1), 177 - 182.

  • Wood JN, Perl ER (1999). Pain.. Curr Opin Genet Dev, 9(3), 328 - 332.

  • Cummins TR, Dib-Hajj SD, Black JA, Akopian AN, Wood JN, Waxman SG (1999). A novel persistent tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium current in SNS-null and wild-type small primary sensor neurons. Journal of Neuroscience, 19(24), - .

  • Wood JN, Perl ER (1999). Pain. CURR OPIN GENET DEV, 9(3), 328 - 332.

  • Fitzgerald EM, Okuse K, Wood JN, Dolphin AC, Moss SJ (1999). cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of the tetrodotoxin-resistant voltage-dependent sodium channel SNS. The Journal of Physiology, 516(2), 433 - 446.

  • Wood JN, Perl ER (1999). The molecular basis of pain induction. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, 9, 328 - 332.


  • England S, Chen CC, Akopian AN, Wood JN (1998). Properties of a rat, sensory neurone-specific, proton-gated ion channel. J PHYSIOL-LONDON, 509P, 34P - 35P.

  • Georgiades P, Wood JN, Brickell PM (1998). RXR-gamma gene expression is developmentally regulated in the embryonic rodent peripheral nervous system. Anatomy and Embryology, 197, 477 - 484.

  • Chen CC, England S, Akopian AN, Wood JN (1998). A sensory neuron-specific proton-gated ion channel. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 95, 10240 - 10245.


  • Souslova V, Fox M, Wood JN, Akopian AN (1997). Cloning and characterisation of a Mouse Sensory Neuron Tetrodotoxin-resistant Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Gene, Scn10a. Genomics, 41, 201 - 209.

  • Wood JN, Docherty RJ (1997). Chemical activation of sensory neurons. , , - .

  • Souslova V, Ravenall S, Fox M, Wells D, Wood JN, Akopian AN (1997). Structure and Chromosomal Mapping of The Mouse P2X3 Gene. Gene, 195(1), 101 - 111.

  • Sivilotti L, Okuse K, Akopian AN, Moss S, Wood JN (1997). A single serine residue confers tetrodotoxin insensitivity on the rat sensory-neuron-specific sodium channnel SNS. Federation of European Biochemical Societies Letters, 409(1), 49 - 52.

  • Kress M, Vyklicky L, Krylova O, Wood JN, Averbeck B, Reeh PW (1997). Non-steroidal anti-flammatory drugs block capsaicin-evoked ion fluxes. Nature Medicine, , - .

  • Akopian AN, Okuse K, Souslova V, England S, Sivilotti L, Wood JN (1997). Nerve Growth Factor induced trans-splicing of the SNS sodium channel. Molecular Cell, , - .

  • Okuse K, Akopian AN, Souslova V, Sivilotti L, Dolphin AC, Wood JN (1997). Sensory neuron voltage-gated sodium channels and nociception. In Borsook D (Ed.), Molecular Neurobiology of Pain (pp. 239 - 257). : IASP Press.

  • Krylova O, Chen CC, Akopian AN, Souslova V, Okuse K, Abson S, Ravenall S, Wood JN (1997). Ligand-gated ion channels of sensory neurons; from purines to peppers. , , - .

  • King B, Chen CC, Akopian AN, Burnstock G, Wood JN (1997). A role for calcineurin in the desensitization of the P2X3 receptor. NeuroReport, 8, 1099 - 1102.

  • Akopian AN, Souslova V, Sivilotti L, Wood JN (1997). Structure and distribution of a broadly-expressed atypical sodium channel. Federation of European Biochemical Societies Letters, 400, 183 - 187.

  • Okuse K, Chaplan SR, McMahon S, Luo ZD, Calcutt NA, Scott BP, Akopian AN, Wood JN (1997). Regualtion of expression of the sensory neuron specific sodium channel SNS in inflammatory and neuropathic pain. MOL CELL NEUROSCIENCE, 10, 196 - 207.


  • Begbie JL, Wood JN, Anderson PN, Latchman DS (1996). Specific up-regulation of the POU domain transcription factor Oct-2 following axotomy.. Neurosci Lett, 207(3), 183 - 186.

  • Burnstock G, Wood JN (1996). Purinergic receptors: their role in nociception and primary afferent neurotransmission.. Curr Opin Neurobiol, 6(4), 526 - 532.

  • Wood JN (1996). No pain, some gain. NAT GENET, 13(4), 382 - 383.

  • Akopian AN, Abson NC, Wood JN (1996). Molecular genetic approaches to nociceptor development and function. TRENDS NEUROSCI, 19(6), 240 - 246.

  • Akopian AN, Sivilotti L, Wood JN (1996). A tetrodotoxin-resistant voltage-gated sodium channel expressed by sensory neurons. Nature, 379, 257 - 262.


  • Kendall G, Brar-Rai A, Ensor E, Winter J, Wood JN, Latchman DS (1995). Nerve growth factor induces the Oct-2 transcription factor in sensory neurons with the kinetics of an immediate-early gene.. J Neurosci Res, 40(2), 169 - 176. 

  • Chen CC, Akopian AN, Sivilotti LG, Colquhoun D, Burnstock G, Wood JN (1995). A P2X purinoceptor expressed by a subset of sensory neurons. Nature, 377, 428 - 428. ​â¶Ä‹


  • Wood JN, Coote PR, Ninkina NN, Latchman DS (1993). NGF-regulable OCT-2 isoforms in rat DRG neurons defined by specific antisera. J Cell Biochem , 212 - 212