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Index of 3D models

This page offers the 3D models in the following four media types.
Please note that some of them are large in file size and will be very slow on the phone line connection.
They may also require extensive amount of computer resource.

1. Pictures of the 3D models in JPEG format
2. Movies of the 3D models in AVI format
3. Movies of the 3D models in MPEG format
4. 3D models in VRML format

*. The impact of 3D reconstructions and comments on each reconstruction

The models can be also found under separate pages.
Please click the following links for each individual sites:

Hemamieh Naqada Tarkhan Meydum
Koptos Qau Thebes Amarna  
Gurob Memphis Saqqara Oxyrhynchus  
Shurafa Fustat  

Please click the following links to access the typology pages:
3D models of the different tomb types from Prehistoric and Old Kingdom Egypt. 3D models of the different housing types in ancient Egypt. Illustrations of the proposed methods to construct a pyramid.


1. Selected pictures of the 3D models in JPEG format

Hemamieh (3D models | information on this site)

Settlement found in Hemamieh

Hemamieh settlement plan with later burials in green

The complete landscape model of the Hemamieh settlement


Naqada (3D models | information on this site)

Landscape view of Naqada site with the old south town,
staircase pyramid and the temple site
Town South of Temple of Nubt, Naqada
Staircase pyramid, Naqada Temple of Seth Nubt and the town south of the temple, Naqada
Temple of Seth Nubt, Naqada

Tarkhan (3D models | information on this site)

Tarkhan model (tomb 2038) in monochrome shade

Tarkhan model (tomb 2038) with coloured wall panels

Other large tombs from Tarkhan (tomb 1060 and 2050) Distribution of tombs in Tarkhan Valley

Meydum (3D models | information on this site)

Landscape view of the Meydum site

Meydum pyramid from Causeway

Nefermaat's Mastaba

The Meydum pyramid, its original form and the current state Interior wall decorations from Nefermaat's Mastaba, Meydum

Koptos (3D models | information on this site)

Reconstruction of the Min temple in the Early Dynastic An alternative reconstruction of the Min temple in the Early Dynastic
The Koptos temple of the Second Intermediate Period
with the reliefs of king Intef Nubkheperre in the main sanctuary
The Koptos temple of the Second Intermediate Period
with the reliefs of king Intef Nubkheperre in separate chapels

Qau (3D models | information on this site)

The landscape of Qau and the Rock Cut Tombs The Tomb of Wahka I (A), Qau: landscape view and its interior
The Tomb of Ibu, Qau: landscape view and its interior The Tomb of Wahka II (B), Qau

Thebes (3D models | information on this site)

The mortuary temple of Wadjmes

The mortuary temple of
Thutmose IV

The mortuary temple of
Amenhotep II

The mortuary temple of
Ramesses II (Ramesseum)

The mortuary temple of
The mortuary temple of Siptah The mortuary temple of Tausert The chapel of Nebnetjeru

Amarna (3D models of its schematic diagram | information on this site)

Schematic landscape of Amarna

Gurob (3D models | information on this site)

The town and palaces of Gurob in the New Kingdom (about 1250 BC)

Palace of Apries at Memphis (3D models | information on this site)

Landscape views of the Palace of Apries
at normal times and when the Nile is fluided
Alternative suggestions for the entrance plans for the Palace of Apries

Saqqara (3D models | information on this site)

Landscape view of the temples of Bubastieion and Anubieion Alternative suggestions for the court yard

Oxyrhynchus (3D models | information on this site)

The Roman Theatre of Oxyrhynchus

Shurafa (3D models | information on this site)

Landscape view of the town of Shurafa The town at about AD 200 with a classical temple, AD 400 with a Christian church,
and AD 800 with an Islamic mosque.

Fustat (3D models | information on this site)

Landscape view of the town of Fustat with the 14 storey high rise buildings

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Movies of the 3D models in AVI format

  1. A landscape model of an old settlement from Hemamieh (23.0MB)
  2. Hemamieh model with the complete topology (7.9MB)
  3. Tarkhan model in monochrome shade (6.4MB)
  4. Tarkhan model with coloured wall panels (6.6MB)
  5. Tarkhan landscape model (63.7MB)
  6. Chronological Transition of the central location in Naqada (2.9MB)
  7. Naqada model of the town south of temple (9.8MB)
  8. Naqada model of the temple of Seth Nubt (63.7MB)
  9. Meydum model of the great pyramid and the causeway approach (47.3MB)
  10. Meydum model of the interior decoration of the Nefermaat's Mastaba (24.8MB)
  11. Transition of the Meydum Pyramid to the contemporary state (27.2MB)

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Movies of the 3D models in MPEG format

(The following movie clips are converted from AVI files and decoded in MPEG1-30fps, CQ50.)

  1. A landscape model of an old settlement from Hemamieh (2.0MB)
  2. Hemamieh model with the complete topology (1.5MB)
  3. Tarkhan model in monochrome shade (1.1MB)
  4. Tarkhan model with coloured wall panels (1.2MB)
  5. Tarkhan landscape model (1.4MB)
  6. Chronological Transition of the central location in Naqada (1.1MB)
  7. Naqada model of the town south of temple (0.9MB)
  8. Naqada model of the temple of Seth Nubt (6.0MB)
  9. Meydum model of the great pyramid and its causeway approach (4.7MB)
  10. Meydum model of the interior decoration of the Nefermaat's Mastaba (2.6MB)
  11. Transition of the Meydum Pyramid to the contemporary state (0.5MB)

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3D models in VRML format

The 3D models listed here are compressed in gz format and are also large in file size when including the texture maps. Please make sure that you have a fast network connection before you proceed. You will need a VRML plug-in to view the 3D models. If you do not have one already on your system, please click here and follow the instructions.

  1. A complete landscape model of the Hemamieh settlement (1.8MB)
  2. Hemamieh model with the complete topology (0.1MB)
  3. Naqada model of the town south of temple (0.1MB)
  4. Naqada model of the temple (1.2MB)
  5. Naqada model of the southern town, staircase pyramid and the temple (1.2MB)
    (* All three structures are from very different periods and are placed together to show their relative positions only.)
  6. Tarkhan model in monochrome shade (0.1MB)
  7. Tarkhan model with coloured wall panels (0.1MB)
  8. Tarkhan landscape model (0.3MB)
  9. Meydum model of the great pyramid, large mastabas and the landscape (0.2MB)
  10. Meydum model of the great pyramid revealing its present state (0.1MB)
  11. Qau model of the rock cut tombs of the governors at Qau (23.1MB)
  12. Thebes model of the mortuary temples on the West Bank of Thebes (26.1MB)
    (* All temples are from very different periods and are placed together to show their relative positions only.)
  13. Amarna model of the landscape (6.5MB)
  14. Amarna model of the landscape with the conceptual lines projected (7.8MB)
  15. Gurob model with the town and palace in the New Kingdom (16.1MB)
  16. Memphis model with the palace of Apries (41.1MB)
  17. Saqqara model with the landcape (8.1MB)
  18. Oxyrhynchus model of The Roman Theatre (3.2MB)
  19. Shurafa model with a classical temple (AD 200) (4.3MB)
  20. Shurafa model with a Christian church (AD 400) (2.7MB)
  21. Shurafa model with an Islamic mosque (AD 800) (6.2MB)
  22. Fustat model of the city and the landscape (38.1MB)

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