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Food Production in El Omari

(after J. Boessneck/A. von den Driesch. in: Debono/Mortensen 1990: 99-107)

animals plants

1. Animals and number of the animals bones found

  • donkey (3)
  • cattle (152)
  • sheep (7)
  • sheep/goat (88)
  • goat (7)
  • gazelle (1)
  • antilope (1)
  • pig (183)
  • hippopotamus (56)
  • dog (6)
  • hare (1)

1. plant for food

  • cereal
  • emmer wheat
  • evidence for barley
  • club wheat
  • einkorn wheat

2. small animals

  • sheath-tailed bat /taphozous nudiventris
  • sundevall's jird/meriones crassus
  • Nile rat/arvicanthus niloticus
  • mouse/mus musculus
  • short-tailed Bandicoot Rat/nesokia indica suilla

2. other plants

  • flax for textile
  • wild half grass for basket making

3. birds (click on the links to see a picture of the birds)


4. reptiles

  • crocodile

5. fish (the three most common fish are marked)

  • polypterus bichir
  • mormyrus spec.
  • altestes spec./hydrocyon spec.
  • distichodus niloticus
  • barbus (bynni) (3)
  • bagrus docmac/bagrus bayad
  • carias spec./heterobranchus spec.
  • synodontis (1)
  • lates niloticus (2)
  • tilapia spec.
  • tetrodon fahaka



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