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El Omari
(about 4600-4400 BC)

Neolithic settlement in the Cairo region about 5 km north of Helwan.

1924 discovered by the Egyptian mineralogist Amim El-Omari and Paul Bovier-La pierre. Bovier-La pierre excavated parts of the site during two weeks in 1925. In 1943 Fernand Debono continue the excavations. The excavation were finally published in 1990.
From the settlement only pits and postholes survived. The houses might have been built from wattle and daub. All excavated objects were found in the pits.
The pottery is made with the local clay. The stone tool repertoire consists of small flakes, axes, sickles and point.

The dead were buried in abandoned storage pits near houses. The body was placed on the left side with the head to the south and facing west. Many burials contained a small pot place in front of the body

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