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Rifeh: Demotic literary fragments on papyri from cartonnage

Of eight Ptolemaic Period cartonnage head-covers found by Petrie at Rifeh, two yielded fragments of literary papyri in the demotic script. For the excavation report, Herbert Thompson produced the translation reporduced below. New research by John Tait is advancing the understanding of these tantalizing fragments.

(click on the numbers to see a full picture of the papyri)

Fragment H1 (UC 32423)

king ...
... king ...
I arrived at Thebes (?), mounted (?) ...
the god great (?) ...
I said 'Peace', I have not
the dream
I was ...


Fragment H2 (UC 32424)

... he has not (?) told me
... produce from the month (?)
... general
... temple of Osiris
... scribe of the house of life of the king ...
... house of life of the king ...
... with them
... I have not delayed ...
... happen


Fragment H3 (UC 32425)

... the ... of Syene (?) make the greetings, the adoration ...
... I ... before the king ... I have not delayed the day (?) of diminution
... sacrifice (and) libation before ...
... ever ... I went on board ...
... the chief of the army Hor (son of?) Petemont (?) the chief of the army ...
... greetings, the adoration of the king and the army of the king ...
... I know him ...
... the army of the city (?) ...
... the army of the king ...
... I have not delayed


Fragment H4 (UC 32426)

... king ...
... the land of Ethiopia ...
... the land of Ethiopia
... on board


Fragment H5 (UC 32427)

I reached a ... my heart ...
... them, I bring (?) them ...
I ... I ...
say, let them bring ...
... Si-Tum, if


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