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Rifeh (Rifa, Deir Rifa, Dayr Rifah)
(27°06' N 31°10'E)

Rifeh is the name in Egyptology for a serious of cemeteries in Middle Egypt on the west bank. Important finds include all periods. Especially important are some rock cut tombs of the Middle Kingdom (about 2025-1700 BC).The cemeteries belonged to the ancient town Shashotep, main centre in Upper Egyptian province 11.

a map
Rifeh and the area around
Rifeh on map of Egypt
map of the region around Rifeh
map Qau-Matmar

The tomb of the two brothers
finds from tombs of the Middle Kingdom
select finds, exact provenance unknown
Second Intermediate Period: pan grave pottery
Rifeh in the New Kingdom
UC 18410
UC 38046
UC 38772
UC 38858


  • Petrie 1907 (Petrie's excavation report)
  • Seidlmayer 1990: 210-216 (on the chronology and pottery sequence of the First Intermediate Period and Middle Kingdom)

papyri found at Rifeh | literary fragments | Distribution of finds from Gizeh and Rifeh 1907 (of Petrie's excavation) | the monastery of Deir Balyzeh


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