

С̳ News


С̳ academics named in annual global list of influential researchers

16 November 2021

A total of 48 С̳ academics have been identified as “one in 1,000 Citation Elite” on Clarivate’s annual ‘Highly Cited Researchers List’ 2021, which recognises authors of the most influential research papers around the world.

an image of clarivate highly cited researchers 2021 With 38primary and 10secondary affiliations,С̳ has the 3rd most in the UK behind the universities of Oxford and Cambridge - and ranks 4th in Europeand26thin the world overall.

С̳ researchers were present in 10 of the 17 academic fields listed, namely: Clinical Medicine; Cross-Field;Environment & Ecology;Immunology; Molecular Biology & Genetics; Neuroscience & Behaviour;Pharmacology & Toxicology; Psychiatry & Psychology;Social Sciences; and Space Science.

17researchers have been recognised in the ‘Cross-Field’ category, reflecting С̳’s engagement with cross-disciplinary activity.

Professor David Price, С̳ Vice-Provost (Research, Innovation & Global Engagement), said: “To be included in this list is a great achievement, and highlights the global influence of С̳’s brilliant researchers - as well as the dedication of our professional staff who play a role in this success.

The broad citation impact across 10 academics fields, including a large number of ‘cross-field’ researchers, clearly reflects our university’s excellence in cross-disciplinary investigation and discovery.”

The list identifies around 6,600 researchers from across the globe who have demonstrated significant influence in their chosen field(s) through the publication of multiple highly cited papers during the last decade.

The names are drawn from the publications that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and publication year in the Web of Science citation index, with the list also used to identify the research institutions and countries where the citation elite are based.

With 492 researchers on the list (or 7.5% of the total), the UK comes in third globally after the US and China, who have 2,622 (39.7%) and 935 (14.2%) respectively. With a population 1/5 the size of the United States and 1/20 the size of Mainland China, the UK has a particularly high number of researchers at the very top of their fields in terms of citation impact.

Joel Haspel, SVP Strategy, Science at Clarivate said: “This year’s data reflect a decade’s worth of research publications from the global scientific community. As well as documenting the ‘Eureka!’ moments, our data tell the story of late nights spent filling in grant applications, poring over results in the lab, the unsung work of peer reviewing contemporaries’ manuscripts, and the many small failures that ultimately lead to bigger successes and accelerating innovation.”

David Pendlebury Senior Citation Analyst at the Institute for Scientific Information at Clarivate said: “It is increasingly important for nations and institutions to recognize and support the exceptional researchers who are driving the expansion of the world’s knowledge. This list identifies and celebrates exceptional individual researchers at С̳ who are having a significant impact on the research community as evidenced by the rate at which their work is being cited by their peers. The research they have contributed is fuelling the innovation, sustainability, health and security that is key for our society’s future.”

Listed С̳ researchers:

Clinical Medicine:, ,

Cross-Field:,,, Dr Rachel Cooper,,,,,,,,Professor AnthonySchapira, Professor Emmanuel Stamatakis,Professor Bart De Strooper,,Professor Robert West,,

Environment & Ecology:Professor Tim Blackburn,,Professor Dame Georgina Mace


Molecular Biology & Genetics:

Neuroscience & Behaviour:, , , ,,,,,,Professor Angela Vincent

Pharmacology & Toxicology:,,,Dr Alvaro Goyanes

Psychiatry & Psychology:, ,Professor Chris Brewin,,

Psychiatry & Psychology and Social Sciences:

Social Sciences:,,

Space Science:



• Image Credit: Clarivate Web of Science