

Institute for the Physics of Living Systems


IPLS Meet-Up March 2022

25 March 2022, 2:00 pm–4:30 pm

С̳ IPLS Meet-Up

The theme of this meet up is: Physics of multicellular systems

Event Information

Open to





2nd Floor Seminar Room (2.30), LMCB
MRC Building
Gower Street

At termly IPLS Meet-ups researchers working at the interface of physics and biology at С̳ and neighbouring institutions present their work. Meet-ups are a great opportunity to learn about the latest interdisciplinary research.

This Meet-up is part of the, organised by the.


14:00-14:15Giulia Paci(Mao Lab)
“Buffering of mechanical forces during pattern formation in animal development”

14:15-14:30Giulia Celora (Pearce Lab)
“Characterising the biological response to cyclic hypoxia: insights from combining mathematical and in vitro modelling”

14:30-14:45Auxtine Micalet (Moeendarbary Lab)
“The bio-mechanical signatures of 3D tumouroid models”


15:00-15:15Windie Hoefs(Tapon and Charras Lab)
“The role of cell-cell junctions and ECM signalling on mechanosensitive protein translocation”

15:15-15:30Jonas Hartmann(Mayor Lab)
“Charting the Interplay of Cell Shape and Cell Fate with Systems Microscopy”

15:30-15:45Rhian Walther(Pichaud Lab)
“Mechanical control of polarised cell morphogenesis”

16:00 Drinks Reception(Coffee Room)

Hosts:Guillaume Charras and Yanlan Mao

The meet-up will be hybrid- both in the LMCB Seminar Room and online.Please contact Jas Gill-Thind (j.gill-thind@ucl.ac.uk) if you do not already have the details to join the Zoom meeting.

For best functionality please ensure when you join the call you turn off your webcam and mute your microphone, to save bandwidth. If you have a question, please use the meeting Chat panel to let the host know, then switch on your camera and microphone on to ask the question when prompted.