

Institute for the Physics of Living Systems


New publication in EMBO Journal for Baum Lab

23 April 2019

New publication for the Baum Lab in EMBO Journal reveals that centrosomes function as both actin and microtubule organising centres during mitosis, suggesting an antagonistic cross talk between the two filament systems.

Ramkumar EMBO Paper

Abstract from the article:
Cells going through mitosis undergo precisely timed changes in cell shape and organisation, which serve to ensure the fair partitioning of cellular components into the two daughter cells. These structural changes are driven by changes in actin filament and microtubule dynamics and organisation. While most evidence suggests that the two cytoskeletal systems are remodelled in parallel during mitosis, recent work in interphase cells has implicated the centrosome in both microtubule and actin nucleation, suggesting the potential for regulatory crosstalk between the two systems. Here, by using both in vitro and in vivo assays to study centrosomal actin nucleation as cells pass through mitosis, we show that mitotic exit is accompanied by a burst in cytoplasmic actin filament formation that depends on WASH and the Arp2/3 complex. This leads to the accumulation of actin around centrosomes as cells enter anaphase and to a corresponding reduction in the density of centrosomal microtubules. Taken together, these data suggest that the mitotic regulation of centrosomal WASH and the Arp2/3 complex controls local actin nucleation, which may function to tune the levels of centrosomal microtubules during passage through mitosis.
