

Professional Services


Outstanding Contribution to Staff Experience

The winners of the Contribution to Staff Experience Award were nominated by the teams and staff for who they bring joy on a daily basis

Donatus Onyido

Security for the Bartlett School of Architecture

Don Onyido has been BSA's security guard for almost 20 years. Throughout that time he has for most been the first face they see in the morning, and the last they see in the evening. 

Whilst fulfilling the core tasks of his role with immense diligence and professionalism – much of which is tough and arduous – Don manages to maintain an almost universal mood of optimism, friendliness, and generosity. 

Don has an extraordinary memory for the names and faces of staff and students, with an equal gift for key expressions in multiple languages. He is an exemplary human being, and an inspiring figurehead for standards on how to conduct ourselves everyday.    

Dr Jessica Hayton

Lecturer in the Department of Psychology and Human Development

Jessica has kindly given up so much of her personal time to organize a number of staff wellbeing events over the last year. 

These sessions have focused on a range of topics such as art, music, and dance, and each have been a tremendous success – enabling staff to escape from the stresses of everyday work, build networks, and ultimately make them feel better about themselves and others. 

On top of this and her heavy workload, she has signed up to a very intensive Mental Health First Aid Course, and won a small grant to organise creative wellbeing activities for the department. Jess is truly a ray of sunshine to her colleagues.

Michael Hanley

Biosciences Stores Manager for the Division of Biosciences

Michael has single-handedly kept stores running through the pandemic. As getting supplies in a timely manner is essential for lab work, this is a critical service for research across the entire Division.

He has had to deal with increased workload, decreased support, and complications from both the pandemic and Brexit. Yet despite all of this, he has always been there to help, chasing down lost packages and generally doing anything he can to help, above and beyond his job description. 

Michael always has a smile and a joke for everyone, knows everybody by name, and has helped make this past year bearable.