

Quantum Spin Dynamics


Gavin Dold

Gavin Dold

PhD student

ext: 33332
email: gavin.dold.15[AT]°×С½ãÂÛ̳
office: LCN 2P2



Research Interests

I'm interested in quantum information, and the coupling of superconducting devices such as lumped-element resonators to doped spin ensembles. This has quantum technological applications for long-lived quantum memories and coherent microwave-optical conversion. In particular I'm working on observing strong coupling between NbN thin-film resonators deposited directly on a doped substrate of yttrium orthosilicate Y2SiO5.

Interesting fact

I made the switch from QWERTY to Dvorak 9 years ago. This has turned out to be a major inconvenience and has plagued me ever since, but I'm too far down the rabbit hole to go back.