

Research and Innovation Services


Completing the risk assessment

All research applications require you to complete a mandatory risk assessment questionnaire within Worktribe. Find guidance on completing a risk assessment for your project.

The risk assessment enables approvers of the research application to make an informed decision on any potential risk.

The Risk assessment consists of 12 ‘yes’/‘no’ questions designed to flag risk and capture key information relevant to the project.

A positive response to any of the below questions will generate a Worktribe warning (red or amber) on the project summary page to alert Departmental/Divisional approvers, and subsequently Award Services of potential risk or impact.

If your answer to any of the questions below is yes, please contact your Departmental Administrator, Research Facilitator, or Award Services as early as possible in the process, so that appropriate support can be provided.

Infrastructure needs

Will the project require either the acquisition of new space, the modification of existing space, the installation of equipment, the creation of new buildings, or any other capital investment?

Institutional commitment

Will the project require °×С½ãÂÛ̳ to fund any kind of Institutional Commitment, in addition to any standard under-recovery of the full economic cost of the project?Ìý Examples of Institutional Commitment requirements include the °×С½ãÂÛ̳ providing matched funding for equipment or funding studentships.

Research computing and data storage

Will the project require the use of any High Performance or High Throughput Computing facilities, and/or is it likely to generate data in excess of 1TB in volume at any stage?

Conflict of interest

Could the project involve peopleÌýwhoÌýcould be perceived as having a conflict of interest? An example of this would be an Investigator who is in receipt of an associated consultancy. Refer to the ±«°ä³¢ÌýDeclaration of Interest PolicyÌýfor comprehensive guidance.

Risk to environment or reputation

Is there any aspect of the project that might be perceived to breach social or cultural expectations of university research, or be considered otherwise environmentally or reputationally sensitive (including third party or funding relationships)?

  • Could the project involve or generate materials, methods or knowledge that have the potential to cause significant harm to the environment, animals or humans?
  • Could the project involve theÌýuse or generation of Dual-Use technology i.e. materials, software and /or technology that can be applied for civilian and military applications, and/or could contribute to the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction?
  • Is there any intention or requirement for the export of sensitive technology or strategic goods (encompassing physical export, software and technical knowledge) which have or may have a military application?
  • Is there any risk that third parties involved in this project (including Funders, Collaborators, Suppliers etc.) could potentially be perceived to conflict with the aims, objectives and activities of °×С½ãÂÛ̳ or risk reputational damage by association?

Overseas activity

Will any °×С½ãÂÛ̳-led research activity take place outside of the UK?

Human participants, tissue or data

Does the project involve human participants, their tissue and/or their data (including data provided by third parties such as HSCIC)?

Material Transfer

Will the project require materials to be exchanged between project partners or collaborators, and/or imported from third parties?

Translational Research

If your project aims to translate discoveries into health benefits then you should contact theÌý°×С½ãÂÛ̳ Translational Research OfficeÌýat the earliest opportunity for support and guidance.
