

Safety Services


Local safety induction checklist for managers

You can use the points on this page to support the delivery of a local safety induction with your new member of staff. You do not need to use this checklist if there are already arrangements for local safety induction in your department. The specific hazards associated with a new member of staff’s role and work environment must be covered. The checklist is not exhaustive as all hazards associated with the activities the new member of staff will be undertaking must be covered.

Emergency procedures - to be completed Day 1

Emergency procedures

EverybodyÌýshould be aware of the emergency procedures for the building they are working in. You should ensure any new members of staff have information on emergency procedures on their first day in the building.

  • Show the new member of staff the fire evacuation exits and fire evacuation route and any alternative routes
  • Point out the location of the fire extinguishers and the fire alarm call pointsÌý
  • If your department has specialist fire extinguishers, indicate which can be used with different equipment and types of fire
  • Let them know the day and time of the weekly fire alarm test
  • Explain theÌýnon-use of lifts in a fire
  • Ask themÌýif they would have any difficulties in responding to an emergency evacuation - complete a PEEP if the answer is "yes"
  • Show them the first aid facilities such as the first aid kit and first aid room (if there is one) as well as whereÌýthey can find the namesÌýof departmental first aiders and mental health first aiders
  • Outline any alarm systems in the building, including the fire alarm system, but also any other alarms which are used e.g.ÌýO2/CO2, personal security etc
  • Explain that in an emergencyÌýthey should call °×С½ãÂÛ̳ SecurityÌýwho can direct the Emergency Services to the correct location and ensure access routes are clear
    • °×С½ãÂÛ̳ Security: +44 (0)20 7679 2222 or °×С½ãÂÛ̳ ext. 222 from any °×С½ãÂÛ̳ phone
  • If the new member of staff is working remotely at the start of their employment, this information should be provided to them on theÌýfirst day they attendÌýcampus

Management arrangements for safety

Management arrangements for safety

The local safety induction should provide information of the arrangements to manage safety within the Faculty and Department. This ensures they are aware of expectations and processes beyond their specific role.Ìý

  • Inform them of departmental safety roles such as the Departmental Safety Officer, Laser Safety Officer, Radiation Protection Supervisor, GM Safety Officer, Fire Evacuation Marshal, First Aider etc
  • Outline the arrangements for safety management in the faculty and department e.g. safety committees etc

> Read about safety roles and responsibilities

Reporting incidents and accidents

Front quad observatories

Taking accidents and incidents seriously saves time and potentially lives.ÌýThrough review and suitable investigation, lessonsÌýcan be learnedÌýallowing °×С½ãÂÛ̳ to improve arrangements for the management of riskÌýacross the university.Ìý

  • Show themÌýthe process for reporting an incident orÌýaccidentÌýusing riskNET
  • Explain that reporting incidents, whether accidents or other safety concerns, means thatÌýtheyÌýcan be assessed and actions taken to prevent future damage or injury to others
  • Incident reports will not trigger a maintenance request for action and repair. Explain that maintenance requests should be made to the Estates Customer Helpdesk

Risk assessment

Team meeting in booth

Risk assessments are fundamental to providing a safe work environment. No activity should take place without an authorised risk assessment. New members of staff must understand any risk assessments relating to their work.ÌýÌý

  • Give information on hazards specific to their role, activity and environment and explain the risk will be controlled
  • Show them relevant risk assessments and how to access them
  • If applicable, explain the requirements for assessment of exposure to substances hazardous to health (COSHH regulations)
  • Ask them to complete a Display Screen Assessment for the workstationÌýin riskNET within their first week
  • Any specific arrangements for handling or moving objects and materials

Hazardous substances

Hazardous substances

If your department uses hazardous substances, explain the following:

  • Safe handling and storage methods for corrosive liquids
  • Safe handling and storage methods for compressed gases, including asphyxiants
  • Safe handling and storage methods for cryogenic substancesÌý
  • Safe handling and storage methods for flammable solvents
  • Hazardous wasteÌýdisposal system
  • Action to take in the event of spillages


Equipment image

Local safety inductions should identify any equipment that will be used by the member of staff. Staff should be given information on how to use equipment safely as well as any information on how to ensure the equipment is safe for use.


  • Explain how to carry out a visual checkÌýbefore usingÌýany equipment
  • Describe any hazards relevant to the equipment
  • Instruct them how to use the equipment safely (safe operating systems)Ìýincluding emergency controls andÌýguarding
  • Arrangements for equipment left running overnight including any permit systems
  • How to check that a piece of electrical equipment has an up-to-date inspection
  • What action they should take if there are faults - report to the Estates Customer Helpdesk or other departmental contacts

Other equipment

  • Precaution that should be taken when using gas cylinders
  • Use of regulators for gas cylinders and restrictions on interchangeability
  • Use of lasers including particular precautions for Class 3b and 4 lasers
  • Training and use of breathing apparatus

Work environment

Work environment image

The local safety induction should cover any arrangements for safety in the work environment to ensure new members of staff are aware of any controls which may affect them.

  • Explain any departmental security and access arrangements for the building(s) in which they work
  • Inform them of any areas with specific entry requirements andÌýhow to gain permission e.g. radiation areas, CL3 labs, server rooms etc
  • Let them know aboutÌýdepartmental lone working arrangements or for working out-of-hours
  • Show them the departmental waste and rubbish disposal systems, including recycling and hazardous waste
  • Ensure they have relevant Personal Protective Equipment and instruct them in itsÌýcorrect use and storage

Next steps

Next step image

There may be other resources or information that the new member of staff requires for their role or for reference in the future. The local safetyÌýinduction may identify other areas that they can access further information.

  • Signpost resources - we have included some helpful resources below
  • Specific inductions may be required based on the individual's role e.g. radiation, CL3 labs
  • Remind the new member of staff to complete the Local Induction Checklist
  • You will need to confirm that the new member of staff has completed the Local Safety Induction onÌýtheir first Probation Report
  • Arrange and support safety training where required

> Full range of safety training courses on our website

Download a copy of this checklist →

Other useful linksÌý