

SEAHA Centre for Doctoral Training


ICOM-CC Conference 2017: a success for SEAHA students!

14 May 2017


SEAHA students will be presenting papers and posters at the ICOM-CC Conference in September 2017 in Copenhagen and achieved unprecedented success with six accepted abstracts. The conference of the International Council of Museums – Committee for Conservation (ICOM-CC) is a prestigious event with usually up to 800 delegates from all over the world [1]. This is a unique opportunity for SEAHA’s students to make their research known and to widen their research network.

The Committee is composed of several Working Groups related to conservation and heritage practice. We are pleased to announce that the following students will be presenting their work:

  • Cecilia Bembibre Jacobo will present a paper in the Scientific Research working group. Her work, entitled Smelling the past: a case study for identification, analysis and archival of historic pot-pourri as a heritage smell, presents scientific analysis of a pot-pourri identified as historic, by sampling and identification of volatile organic compounds using thermal desorption – gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometric detection (TD-GC-TOF-MS).
  • Cristina Duran Casablancas will present a paper in the Preventive Conservation working group. Her project is entitled Data mining in collections: from epidemiology to demography, and shows – by using the example of a paper-based archival collection – how observational epidemiology data can be successfully integrated with demographic modelling of the dynamics of change in collections, leading to useful evidence to support collection care decision making.
  • Sarah Hunt will present a paper in the Wet Organic Archaeological Materials working group. Her research Identifying, assessing damage by and monitoring emissions from PEG treated wood at the Mary Rose Museum compares methods to identify and monitor emissions emitted off PEG treated wood from the Mary Rose Museum.
  • Hend Mahgoub will present a paper in the Scientific Research working group. Her project Quantitative Chemical Hyperspectral NIR Imaging of Islamic Paper focuses on the application of near infrared (NIR) hyperspectral imaging to Islamic paper, exploring the potential for mapping of chemical composition of Islamic paper – specifically starch sizing and cellulose degree of polymerization, which will provide a better understanding of the material and a measure of change in collections through imaging.
  • Danae Phaedra Pocobelli will present a poster in the Documentation working group. Her research is entitled Building Information Modelling (BIM) workflow analysis for heritage science practice, and investigates the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) for heritage buildings, implementing it with a forecasting model connecting moisture ingress and façade weatherings.
  • Vladimir Vilde will present a poster in the Paintings working group. His work Digital image correlation for condition monitoring of lined painting analyses the mechanical response of both side of a canvas painting in order to compare lining treatment in uncontrolled RH environment, using image based technique (DIC).

We look forward to this excellent opportunity, which is promissing to become an outstanding success for SEAHA!


Header Image: The header image is courtesy of Berrit Rasmussen, ICOM-CC/meetingplanners.