

Short courses - staff resources


Using marketing channels, templates and images

A variety of resources are available to help with your marketing campaign.

On this page

Use a mix of marketing channels

Here are some channels (both °×С½ãÂÛ̳ and external) you can use to promote your short course or CPD.

1. The Week @°×С½ãÂÛ̳

°Â³ó²¹³Ù:Ìý°×С½ãÂÛ̳'s weekly e-newsletter to staff
´¡³Ü»å¾±±ð²Ô³¦±ð:Ìý°×С½ãÂÛ̳ staff
Cost to use: Free

±Ê°ù´Ç²õ:ÌýGreat for targeting °×С½ãÂÛ̳ staff and for getting staff to support what you're doing

°ä´Ç²Ô²õ:ÌýArticles need to have a very broad appeal to most staff to get included

Useful info:

  • runs weekly during term time
  • deadline for submissions is 12 noon Wednesday
  • you'll need to complete a form to get included
  • there are editorial guidelines you need to meet

2. my °×С½ãÂÛ̳

´¡³Ü»å¾±±ð²Ô³¦±ð:Ìý°×С½ãÂÛ̳ current students
Cost to use: Free

±Ê°ù´Ç²õ:ÌýGreat for targeting current students


Useful info:

  • runs weekly during term time
  • deadline for submissions is 12 noon Wednesday
  • to get included, email studentcommunications@ucl.ac.uk with a brief outline of the feature
  • there are editorial guidelines you need to meet

3. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn paid advertising

What: Social media paid-for campaigns
´¡³Ü»å¾±±ð²Ô³¦±ð:ÌýWhoever you target based on locations, interests, pages that people like and keywords
Cost to use: You'll need to spend at least £200 to £300 per platform to see any results


  • ideal if you're trying to tap into an audience you don't know much about
  • Facebook is great for hobbies and interests, for example languages and culture
  • Twitter allows you to target people with particular interests, for example people that follow specific handles
  • LinkedIn is a platform for professionals, so it's good for promoting CPD
  • you can gather metrics on how your campaigns are performing

°ä´Ç²Ô²õ:ÌýYou need access to a credit card to run any paid-for campaigns

Useful info:

  • you can set up a campaign which can give you some really interesting audience information, without committing – this might help your market research
  • you can set a daily or campaign budget
  • each platform's built-in analytics can help you monitor your campaign, so you can change it if it's not working.
  • you should plan the content of your campaign in advance before you do anything: content is king

4. Google Ads

´¡³Ü»å¾±±ð²Ô³¦±ð:ÌýWhoever you target based on locations, interests, users behaviour, and keywords
Cost to use: Depends how much you want to spend

±Ê°ù´Ç²õ:ÌýPuts your message directly in front of your target audience; easy to measure ads' effectiveness

°ä´Ç²Ô²õ:ÌýYou need access to a credit card to run any paid-for campaigns

5. Website banner adverts

°Â³ó²¹³Ù:ÌýAdverts that run on other websites with a link to your page
´¡³Ü»å¾±±ð²Ô³¦±ð:ÌýThe users of the websites you target
Cost to use: Depends on the website – can vary from a few hundred pounds to a few thousand

±Ê°ù´Ç²õ:ÌýYou can target specific groups/audiences in your sector

°ä´Ç²Ô²õ:ÌýVaried results: people have become somewhat immune to banner ads and often have software that blocks them

6. Print adverts

°Â³ó²¹³Ù:ÌýAdverts placed in academic journals and magazines
´¡³Ü»å¾±±ð²Ô³¦±ð:ÌýSector-specific readership groups
Cost to use: Typically £500 to £1,000 per ad


  • you get access to a specific group of engaged, interested people
  • you are seen in the right places for your industry


  • can be very expensive
  • hard to measure success

Useful info:

  • consider offering a unique discount code in your advert so you can see how many people use it

Other channels

You could also use:

  • podcasts
  • webinars
  • the °×С½ãÂÛ̳ Student Union
  • trade shows

Use °×С½ãÂÛ̳ templates and images

Marketing templates

°×С½ãÂÛ̳ Communications and Marketing has templates you can use to create letterheads, posters, emails or presentations.

Any marketing materials you create must meet °×С½ãÂÛ̳'s brand standards.

Using images

Avoid using stock photos. Research shows that learners easily spot these and don't trust them. They will make your course seem less credible.

Instead, you can use professional images of °×С½ãÂÛ̳ short courses taken on campus. You can access these in the .

These images are free to use, as long as you:

  • use them to promote °×С½ãÂÛ̳ courses
  • publish them on °×С½ãÂÛ̳ channels, such as °×С½ãÂÛ̳ social media accounts, brochures or websites

If you want to let someone else use them (such as an external website or a newspaper) then:

  • you must credit the photographer (listed in the image details on the °×С½ãÂÛ̳ Imagestore)
  • you may need to pay a small fee

Email °×С½ãÂÛ̳ Imagestore (imagestore@ucl.ac.uk) if you need advice.

Find out more about working with copyright.

Use Canva to create your own marketing templates

You can use a tool called  to create your own templates for things like:

  • website advert banners
  • images for social media

Make sure:

  • you use the appropriate template for the channel you're using
  • you have permission to use the images

Banner image of 4 photos of engineers and scientists doing work or engaging in research, with title 'Learn with experts'