




Understanding the relationship between transport and equity among diverse people in cities and rural areas of different countries. Despite the sometimes passionate assertions of the supporters and opponents that transport interventions will lead to economic development, evaluations show that impacts rarely fall as predicted and there are often unexpected and unwelcome effects. Transport policy and planning are implicated in re-production of inequality in cities, on the basis of class, gender, age, ethnicity, disability and other social identities. Moreover, beneath an aggregate effect at the national, regional and urban level, there will almost always be subtle and important variations. Understanding who gains, who are disadvantaged and why, is the main priority under this theme.

This theme also throws up important differences between the so-called global north and global south: formal transport provision can prove revolutionary for the economy if it is affordable, safe and convenient; where it is not in many countries of the global south, informal transport provision proliferates to provide the access that is essential if poor women and men are to meet their daily needs.


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