

°×С½ãÂÛ̳ Observatory (°×С½ãÂÛ̳O)


Comm. ULO No. 1–79

Links go through to ADS scans of published papers, except where explicitly identified as pdfs (with sizes), where the links are to local copies.

A. Beer and C. C. L. Gregory
Observed Photographic Magnitudes of the Super-nova 145*1937 Persei in NGC 1003.
M.N.,Ìý98, 216, 1938.

P. C. Chaudhuri
The Photographic Proper Motions of Stars belonging to the Cluster Praesepe from plates taken with the Radcliffe telescope.
M.N.,Ìý100, 378, 1940.

E. M. Peachey
Some Recent Changes in the Spectrum of γ Cassiopeiae.
M.N.,Ìý102, 166, 1942.

C. C. L. Gregory and E. M. Peachey
The Spectrum of T Coronae Borealis on 1946 February 11.
M.N.,Ìý109, 135, 1946.

Stellar Parallaxes determined at the University of London Observatory, Mill Hill
M.N.,Ìý109, 478, 1949.

E. M. Burbidge and G. R. Burbidge
Hydrogen and Helium Lines Intensities in some Be Stars
Ap. J.,Ìý113, 84, 1951.

Stellar Parallaxes determined at the University of London Observatory, Mill Hill (Second List).
M.N.,Ìý110, 618, 1950.

E. M. Burbidge, G. R. Burbidge and S. K. Wang
Rapid Changes in Line Intensities in the Spectrum of Gamma Cassiopeiae.
Ap. J.,Ìý115, 66, 1952.

C. W. Allen
A System of Quantitative Astronomical Observations
Vistas in Astronomy,Ìý1, 149, 1955.

R. H. Garstang
The Calculation of Atomic transition Probabilities
Vistas in Astronomy,Ìý1, 268, 1955.

C. W. Allen
World-Wide Diurnal Variations in the F2 region
J. Atmos. Terr. Phys,Ìý4, 53, 1953.

K. R. W. Brewer
HD 50169, A Spectrum Variable with Emission at Hα
Ap. J.,Ìý118, 265, 1953.

C. W. Allen
The Physical Condition of the Solar Corona
Reports on Progress in Physics,Ìý17, 135, 1954.

V. C. Reddish
Stellar Evolution
The Observatory,Ìý74, 68, 1954.

P. A. Sweet
The Structure of Sunspots
Vistas in Astronomy,Ìý1, 675, 1955.

R. H. Garstang
Intermediate Coupling Line Strengths
M.N.,Ìý114, 118, 1954.

C. W. Allen
Whole-Sky Statistics of Celestial Objects
M.N.,Ìý114, 387, 1954.

P. A. Sweet
Field Reversal in Magnetic Variable Stars
M.N.,Ìý114, 549, 1954.

Comm. ULO 19Ìý
R. H. Garstang
Stellar Populations
J. Brit. Astron. Ass.,Ìý65, 122, 1955.

V. C. Reddish
Colour-Magnitude Arrays in the Clusters Tombaugh 5, NGC 7789, NGC 1528 and NGC 2682
M.N.,Ìý114, 583, 1954.

V. C. Reddish
The Masses of the Stars of Population II
M.N.,Ìý115, 32, 1955.

Comm. ULO 22Ìý
R. H. Garstang
The Effect of Configuration Interaction on Forbidden Line Strengths
Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc,Ìý52, 107, 1956.

C. W. Allen and A. S. Asaad
Atomic Oscillator Strengths and Excitation Potentials
M.N.,Ìý115, 571, 1955.

C. W. Allen
Solar Sources of the Ionospheric Regions
Solar Eclipses and the Ionosphere, 150, 1956.

C. W. Allen
Influence of Solar Atomic Emission on the Orbits of Interplanetary Particles
The Observatory,Ìý76, 101, 1956.

Comm. ULO 26Ìý
R. H. Garstang
The Computation of Quadrupole Line Strengths
Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc,Ìý53, 214, 1957.

C. W. Allen
The Quiet and Active Sun
Radio Astronomy, IAU Symposium No. 4, 253, 1957.

Comm. ULO 28Ìý
P. A. Sweet
The Production of High Energy Particles in Solar Flares
Supp. II Nuovo Cimento,Ìý8, Ser. 10, 188, 1958.

Comm. ULO 29Ìý
W. R. Piggot and C. W. Allen
Observational Aspects of Solar Corpuscular Radiation
9th Report, Commission on Solar-Terrestrial Relations, p. 77, 1957.

P. A. Sweet
The Neutral Point Theory of Solar Flares
Electromagnetic Phenomena in Cosmical Physics, IAU Symposium No. 6, p. 123, 1958.

P. A. Sweet
Magneto-hydrostatic Equilibrium in an External Magnetic Field
Electromagnetic Phenomena in Cosmical Physics, IAU Symposium No. 6, p. 499, 1958.

Comm. ULO 32Ìý
R. H. Garstang
Recent Experimental and Theoretical Investigations on Atomic Properties of Interest for Emission Line Stars
Mem. Soc. R. Sci. Liège,Ìý20, 497, 1957.

R. H. Garstang
The Surface Temperature of the Moon
J. Brit. Astron. Ass.,Ìý68, 155, 1958.


Comm. ULO 34Ìý
R. H. Garstang
Further Computations of Quadrupole Line Strengths
Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.,Ìý54, 383, 1958.

C. W. Allen
Solar Radiation
Q.J.R. Meteorological Soc.,Ìý84, 307, 1958.

Comm. ULO 36Ìý
E. W. Foster
A Fast Recording Spectrograph for Absolute Intensity Measurement of Bright Sources
Proc. Inst. Electronics,Ìý3, 2, 1958.

R. H. Garstang
Peculiar Stars
Occasional Notes, RAS,Ìý3, 234, 1959.


P. A. Sweet
Coulomb Scattering in a Magnetic Field
Phil. Mag.,Ìý4, 1155, 1959.

C. W. Allen
A Sunspot Cycle Model
The Observatory,Ìý80, 94, 1960.

Comm. ULO 40Ìý
R. H. Garstang
Mutual Magnetic Interactions and Oscillator Strengths in the First Spectrum of Oxygen
Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.,Ìý57, 115, 1961.

Comm. ULO 41Ìý
J. B. Tatum
Oscillator Strengths of Neutral and Ionized Titanium
[Mimeogram] 1961.

C. W. Allen
Solar Ultraviolet and X-Ray Line Emission
Mem. Soc. R. Sci. Liège,Ìý4, 241, 1961 (1960 Liège Symposium on Far Ultraviolet Spectra of Astronomical Bodies).

B. Warner
Stresses in the Surface of the moon
J. Brit. Astron. Ass,Ìý71, 388, 1962.

B. Warner
The Lunar Maria
Planet. Space Sci.,Ìý5, 283, 1961.

G. Fielder
The Contraction and Expansion of the Moon
Planet. Space Sci.,Ìý8, 1, 1961.

B. Warner
Accretion and Erosion on the Surface of the Moon
Planet. Space Sci.,Ìý5, 321, 1961.

A. S. Douglas and R. H. Garstang
Transition Integrals for Si IV and Ca II
Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.,Ìý58, 377, 1962.

Comm. ULO 48Ìý
E. W. Foster
Measurement of Transition Probabilities in the Visible Spectra of O I and C I and Estimation of Vacuum Ultra-Violet Radiation Standards
Proc. Phys. Soc.,Ìý79, 94, 1962.

B. Warner
The Initial Mass Function and the Occurrence of Stars of Small Mass
Pubs. Astron. Soc. Pacific,Ìý73, 439, 1961.

Comm. ULO 50Ìý
R. H. Garstang and B. Warner
Identifications 5880-6867Ã… for Late Type Stars
[Mimeogram] 1962.

G. Fielder and B. Warner (1962)
Stress Systems in the Vicinity of Lunar Craters.
Planet Space Sci.,Ìý9, 11, 1962.

G. Fielder and C. Jordan (1962)
Selenological Implications drawn from the Distortions of Craters in the Hipparchus Region of the Moon.
Planet Space Sci.,Ìý9, 3, 1962.

B. Warner (1962)
Some Features of the Lunar Grid System.
J. Brit. Astron. Ass.,Ìý72, 181, 1962.

B. Warner (1962)
Some Problems of Lunar Orogeny.
J. Brit. Astron. Ass.,Ìý72, 280, 1962.

B. Warner (1962)
The Measurement of Stellar Scintillation.
J. Brit. Astron. Ass.,Ìý72, 177, 1962.

E. W. Foster (1962)
Measurement of Transition Probabilities in the Cl I, Cl II and C I Spectra.
Proc. Phys. Soc.,Ìý80, 882, 1962.


Comm. ULO 57Ìý
R. H. Garstang (October 1962)
Magnetic Dipole and Electric Quadrupole Line Strengths and Transition Probabilities for Forbidden Lines of Fe II.
Supplement of:ÌýMon. Not. R. astr. Soc.,Ìý124, 321, 1962.

Comm. ULO 58Ìý
G. Fielder (April 1963)
Lunar Tectonics.
Q.J. Geolog. Soc. London,Ìý119, 65, 1963.

Comm. ULO 59Ìý
B. Warner (September 1963)
Spectrum Line Identifications 3184-4000 Ã… in Late Type Giant Stars.

Comm. ULO 60Ìý
B. Warner and R.H. Garstang (July 1963)
Equivalent Width Measurements 5880-6867 Ã… in Late Type Stars.

Comm. ULO 61Ìý
G. Fielder (April 1964)
Strike-slip Faulting in the Vaporum Region of the Moon.
Q.J. Geolog. Soc. London,Ìý120, 275, 1964.

Comm. ULO 62Ìý
B. Warner (March 1964)
Spectrum Line Identifications 3244-6867 Ã… in the Cepheid $\ell$ Carinae at Maximum Light.

Comm. ULO 63Ìý
B. Warner (1964)
The Measurement of Stellar Magnitudes using a Recording Microphotometer.
J. Brit. Astron. Ass.,Ìý74, 99, 1964.

B. Warner (1964)
The Strengths of Spectrum Lines formed in Stellar Atmospheres with predominantly H-ÌýContinuous Absorption.
J. Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,Ìý4, 415, 1964.

Comm. ULO 65Ìý
B. Warner (April 1964)
Measurements of Equivalent Widths in the Barium Stars.

Comm. ULO 66Ìý
B. Warner (July 1965)
Absolute Oscillator Strengths for Doubly Ionized Iron.

Comm. ULO 67Ìý
B. Warner and E.L.G. Bowell (November 1964)
Absolute Oscillator Strengths in Neutral Manganese.

Comm. ULO 68Ìý
C. Jordan (November 1965)
Wavelengths, Intensities and Identifications of Solar Emission Lines between 1994 Ã… and 13.7 Ã…

Comm. ULO 69Ìý
B. Warner (January 1966)
Fractional Parentage Coefficients involving Equivalent d Electrons.

Comm. ULO 70Ìý
B. Warner (February 1966)
Absolute Oscillator Strengths for Fe II.

Comm. ULO 71Ìý
B. Warner (February 1966)
Absolute Oscillator Strengths for Doubly and Triply Ionised Atoms of the Iron Group.

Comm. ULO 72Ìý
L.M. Dougherty (September 1966)
Oscillator Strengths in Strong Multiplets of Scandium, Titanium, Vanadium and Iron.

Comm. ULO 73Ìý
C.W. Allen (June 1968)
Table of Spectrum Line Numbers for Stellar Photospheric Conditions.
Supplement toÌýMon. Not. R. astr. Soc.,Ìý139, 367, 1968.

Comm. ULO 74Ìý(Not issued)

S.L. Wright and J.D. Argyros (November 1975)
ATLAS5 at the University of London (SAM1). I: Programming and Implementation.

S.L. Wright (November 1975)
ATLAS5 at the University of London (SAM1). II: User's Guide.

D. McNally (July 1976)
Report on the Present State of Astronomical Education in Those Countries Represented on Commission 46 of the International Astronomical Union.

T.T. Moon (August 1985)
Stellar Parameters from Stroemgren Photometry: Fortran Programs.

I.A. Crawford (February 1989)
A Study of Interstellar UV Lines towards Six Members of the Sco OB1 Association.

Comm. ULO 80 onwards areÌýPublishedÌýon-line.