

Arts Sciences


UASc People

Academic Staff

BA Creative Arts and Humanities
BASc Arts and Sciences
MASc Creative Health
  • - MASc Admissions Tutor, Deputy Chair of the UASc PGT Exam Board and module leader for BASC0052, BASC0081 and BASC0083
  • - MASc Programme Director and module leader for BASC0081
  • - module leader for BASC0053
  • - Deputy Head of Department (°×С½ãÂÛ̳ East), MASc Degree Convenor, Graduate Tutor, Chair of the UASc PGT Exam Board and module leader for BASC0030, BASC0050 and BASC0054
  • - Deputy Graduate Tutor and module leader for BASC0051
Research Staff
  • - Programme Coordinator (Health Inequalities)
  • Kiz Manley - Lived Experience Producer
  • - Senior Research Fellow in Health Disparities
Honorary Staff
  • - Honorary Lecturer
  • - Honorary Senior Research Fellow
  • - Honorary Research Fellow

Professional Services Staff

Professional Services
  • - Department Manager
  • - Teaching and Learning Administrator for the BA Creative Arts and Humanities and MASc programmes
  • - Teaching and Work Based Learning Administrator for the BASc programmes
  • Frank Lopez - Technician - Film-Making for BA Creative Arts and Humanities
  • - Study Abroad Officer for the BASc programmes
  • - Student Adviser for the BASc and BA Creative Arts and Humanities programmes
  • - Departmental Administrator for the BASc programmes
  • - Work Related Learning Manager for the BASc programmes
Staff by Administrative Roles
  • Head of Department:
  • Deputy Heads of Department: (°×С½ãÂÛ̳ East) and (Bloomsbury)
  • Departmental Tutors: and
  • Graduate Tutor:
  • Deputy Graduate Tutor:
  • Department Director of Research: (term 1 only), (term 2 onwards)
  • Graduate Research Tutor: (term 1 only), (term 2 onwards)
  • Director of Enterprise, Innovation and Impact:
  • Degree Convenors:
    • BASc:
    • BA Creative Arts and Humanities:
    • MASc Creative Health:
  • BASc Pathway Leads
    • Cultures: Sara Wingate Gray
    • Health and Environment:
    • Sciences and Engineering:
    • Societies:
  • Admissions Tutors:
    • BASc Arts and Sciences:
    • BA Creative Arts and Humanities:
    • MASc Creative Health:
  • Research Ethics Leads:  and
  • Exams
    • Chair of UG Exam Board:
    • Deputy Chair of UG Exam Board: Dr Asma Mubarak (BASc) and (BACAH)
    • Chair of PGT Exam Board:
    • Deputy Chair of PGT Exam Board:
  • Chair of the Departmental Teaching Committee:
  • Co-Chair of the Staff-Student Consultative Committee:
  • EDI and WP Lead:
  • Study Abroad and Affiliate Tutor:
  • Green Champion: Angela Vaughn
  • NSS Liaison Officer:
  • Careers Liaision Tutor:
  • Connected Learning Lead:
  • Data Protection Co-Ordinator:
  • Under 18s Lead:
  • Wellbeing Lead:
  • Departmental Safety Officer:


PhD students
  • - Phd title: Public libraries: social infrastructure for creative health. The impact of health and wellbeing activities on staff
  • Sarah Ferner - PhD title: Assembling for Peace: British Muslim and Jewish students thinking and speaking about Israel, Palestine and the Holocaust
  • Helen Omand